Depression: Fall Seven Times And Stand Up Eight

After having lived through a painful situation, we must give ourselves time to mourn and, above all, we must be aware of the fact that it is normal to feel bad. Despite this, we must find the strength to get up and move on
Depression: Fall seven times and stand up eight

Fall seven times, get up eight. We all know this phrase, but we also know that theory is one thing and practice another… and how difficult it seems to us to put these words into practice when we are going through a bad time!

Because in our life we ​​have to live difficult moments that make us fall into despair, but we have to get up again because the road to go is still long.

Anguish, depression, frustration, stress… our life is full of situations and circumstances that, like a swing, make us feel high or, vice versa, demoralize us. Faced with this, what can we do? Surrender?

Even if, sometimes it seems that there is no solution, we must strive to move forward: because life continues, with or without us.

Stand up and remember that there is always hope

It is normal to see everything black if we are going through a complicated period of our life. Yet, with the passing of time, the sun will return to shine as before.

When all is over, we will be able to get up more easily. But when we find ourselves immersed in a difficult situation, it is obvious that we do not see any glimmer of hope, as it is not our best time.

little girl with swallows

One of the problems we are most exposed to in these moments is certainly depression, a disease that subjugates us and that makes us deeply unhappy. Unlike sadness, depression persists over time, during a time when hope seems to have disappeared altogether.

Nevertheless, we must avoid depression from dominating us: it can come after a serious loss, due to a serious problem or, perhaps, because we have just been fired at work.

Even if we are unable to see a way out at certain times, there is always a solution. If you too find yourself in a similar situation and it seems to you that you have fallen into a pit of despair, get up again: hope exists, you just have to believe it.

It is difficult in these moments to have trust and hope, since one of the mistakes we make, without realizing it, is precisely to feed the situation of malaise in which we find ourselves: when we feel bad, we often behave in such a way that we feel even worse, in a spiral of negativity.

There are, in fact, people who, before being able to get up, need to touch the bottom: only in this way do they find the strength to recover.

Don’t feel like doing anything

Another typical aspect that characterizes these difficult moments is not wanting to do anything. At certain times, we don’t even put our noses out of the house, we shut ourselves up in our malaise and even avoid our friends.

girl with butterflies and long hair

This attitude, however, is not entirely negative, on the contrary, it can even be useful, since loneliness can help us get in touch with our inner self, to listen to it and learn from our pain.

Going through a situation that causes us suffering is not necessarily a negative event.

We have to live in such situations in order to find out what has done us so much harm and how to overcome it. Without this suffering, which forces us to reflect and look within, we would never learn to overcome difficulties.

Hence the importance of falling, of course, but also, and above all, of getting up again. Even if we don’t want to do anything, not even to live or heal ourselves, in reality we are strong.

Yes, we are very strong, and in the deepest part of our being we know that this is the case and that we will overcome this difficult moment: our survival instinct will prevent us from letting go.

For this reason, we must have the courage to face this pain, suffer it and feel it, in order to be able to be reborn as the phoenix.

We must know how to take advantage of even the most painful situations, because it is precisely in these moments when we can learn many things, especially about ourselves.

After the fall, get up!

Here, once the suffering is over, the time comes when we need to reflect on how we reacted. We have fallen, sometimes it happens.

We all happen to stumble, over and over again, in the stones scattered in our path, simply because the world is full of stones!

soar like a kite

The question is… What do we do when we fall? Are we staying on the ground? We feel we are dying of shame, it is true, but then we make up for it and get up again. When we are going through a bad time, we should remember it.

As the famous saying goes, “fall seven times, stand up eight”: even if we feel we are sinking into despair, we must have faith and know that we will succeed.

The most negative moments will give us the opportunity to get to know each other better: thanks to them, we will discover how much pain we are able to endure before we can react and be able to gather the forces necessary to get up again.

Obviously there is a big difference between one day sadness and a depression, but the result is the same: we will end up getting up again.

Today, therefore, our advice is never to give up: there will always be new problems to face. Suffering and falling are actions that are part of our journey, but the important thing is to keep getting up again: this will make us stronger and courageous.

Fall seven times, get up eight!

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