Diabetes Questions: Everything You Need To Know

Diabetes is a silent disease that usually progresses without obvious symptoms, but with serious damage to health. Therefore, it is very important to be informed.
Diabetes Questions: Everything You Need to Know

Given the concern that this disease generates and its spread, today we want to answer the 6 most common questions about diabetes. It is always good to stay informed!

Diabetes is a metabolic disease resulting from the alteration of blood glucose levels. An increase in this level may be due to the resistance of the cells to insulin or the fact that the body no longer produces this hormone in the necessary quantity.

Since diabetes in its early stages does not show obvious symptoms, some consider it a dangerous disease to the point of calling it a “silent killer”.

Worst of all, however, is that diabetes affects the functioning of many organs, resulting in cardiovascular, kidney and neurological diseases.

That is why it is best to be informed about the aspects of this common disease, so that you can recognize its symptoms and know how to treat it.

6 questions about diabetes

1. Why does it develop?

woman gets injection on her belly

Although there are several factors involved in the development of diabetes, in general this disease depends on the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body does not use what is available effectively.

These conditions can be the result of genetic or environmental factors, as well as the consequence of a diet rich in refined carbohydrates and sugars.

2. What are the types of diabetes?

This is one of the questions about diabetes that not everyone knows the answer to. Type 2 diabetes is the most common variety among the world population, but be aware that there are three types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

It develops as a result of insufficient or no insulin production.

It is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes and is so complex that it is difficult to determine the exact cause.

Type 2 diabetes

It is the most common form of diabetes and, in most cases, is linked to metabolic disorders such as obesity.

The body has difficulty using the insulin it produces, with the process of transforming sugars into energy impaired.

Gestational diabetes

It is linked to an increase in blood glucose during pregnancy; it is easier to control than common diabetes.

3. What are the symptoms? One of the most difficult diabetes questions.

fatigue, one of the aspects of diabetes

Although in the early stages it does not show obvious signs, there are nonetheless symptoms that can alarm us.

These include:

  • Frequent need to urinate.
  • Feeling of constant hunger and thirst.
  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Difficulty healing from skin wounds.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Nausea.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Changes in the mood.
  • Feeling sick in the stomach.
  • Frequent infections.
  • Tingling in the joints.
  • Dental problems.

4. What possible complications?

Unfortunately, glucose is involved in several functions, so its alteration has negative consequences for health.

Symptoms are silent at first and seem to involve no complications. However, as the severity increases, diabetes can cause permanent kidney and cardiovascular damage.

Among the main complications we mention:

  • Total loss of kidney function or kidney failure.
  • Alterations in the nervous system.
  • Diabetic foot.
  • Cerebrovascular accidents.
  • Brain stroke.
  • Tendency of blood to clot too much.
  • Inflammation of the tissues.

5. How is the diagnosis made?

doctor measures blood sugar in patient

The diagnosis of diabetes can be made during normal visits to the doctor or when the presence of certain symptoms make us suspect this disease.

The most common test is a blood glucose or blood glucose test to be performed on an empty stomach.

You can also undergo the oral glucose tolerance test, which consists of taking 75 g of sugar with behavioral measurement before intake and two hours after.

Results should be below 100 mg / dL and two hours later should not exceed 140 mg / dL.

6. What is the treatment? Most Common Diabetes Questions.

The basic treatment for diabetes is to provide the body with what it does not produce, which is insulin.

In this sense, daily insulin injections are essential for patients with type 1 diabetes because, in fact, they could not survive without it.

On the other hand, there are alternative therapies for cases of type 2 diabetes, such as the administration of drugs that regulate blood glucose levels.

Furthermore, we cannot forget the importance of adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Nutrition and physical activity, for example, are essential for controlling diabetes. Undergoing periodic tests, weight control and careful treatment are important for diabetes not to win the battle.

Consult your doctor if you suspect you have diabetes. If so, the diabetologist will be able to indicate the best treatment that will allow you to live a normal and healthy life.

Main image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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