Diet For Dyspepsia: Allowed And Forbidden Foods

Dyspepsia is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems. We present the foods that it is good to introduce or eliminate from the diet to calm this ailment.
Diet for dyspepsia: allowed and forbidden foods

There are numerous parameters that define the diet for dyspepsia, a digestive disorder that manifests itself through pain in the upper abdomen, affecting the stomach. It is usually caused by a Helicobacter pylori infection  or by the presence of recurrent gastroesophageal reflux.

Today we illustrate some possible food choices useful to alleviate these annoyances, in order to prevent an alteration that could affect one’s lifestyle. We advise you to follow our advice, but if the problem persists, consider contacting a specialist who can formulate a precise diagnosis of the problem.

Important elements in the diet for dyspepsia

In the following lines we will indicate the allowed and forbidden foods in case of dyspepsia. Adapting the diet allows you to calm the symptoms.

Allowed foods

Among the foods allowed in the diet for dyspepsia are lean meat and fish. These products offer the proteins needed to repair tissues. They also contain low amounts of lipids, responsible for delays in gastric emptying that can cause the accused discomfort.

It is advisable to choose fish and white meats, which are easier to digest. According to a publication in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , fat intake must be limited to prevent gastroesophageal reflux, which can worsen dyspepsia.

The lean cuts of meat and fish guarantee the necessary protein requirements. At the same time, they guarantee nutrients and substances necessary for the body’s natural metabolic processes. These foods also help us protect cardiovascular health.

It is advisable to introduce fermented foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt and kefir, into the diet. Regular intake of probiotic bacteria has been shown to calm dyspepsia and other gastrointestinal disorders.

Lean cut of meat to calm dyspepsia.
Lean meat offers little fat, thus facilitating intestinal transit and calming reflux.

Foods not recommended

It is advisable to reduce the consumption of refined flours and sugars, ingredients that increase gastrointestinal disorders.

According to experts, people suffering from dyspepsia also have fructose malabsorption in most cases. This aspect negatively affects digestion and the absorption of sugars.

It is also necessary to regulate the consumption of fibers. Although in the right quantities they guarantee correct intestinal transit, excessive intake could delay gastric emptying, thus worsening dyspepsia. It is therefore advisable to reduce the consumption of pasta and cereals, which will be replaced by tubers.

The importance of a reduced fat intake should also be emphasized. This means avoiding fried foods and breaded foods, preparations that increase the risk of reflux or heaviness. It is always better to opt for lighter cooking methods, i.e. grilled, baked or steamed.

Sauces are also highly not recommended for people who often suffer from this disorder. In addition to increasing the calorie intake of the meal, they delay gastric emptying and cause stomach pain.

Prohibited foods

Some foods should disappear from the diet of those with dyspepsia. These include alcohol and irritants, such as chocolate.

Regular alcohol consumption is considered one of the main causes of functional dyspepsia, according to research published in the Revista de GastroenterologĂ­a de MĂ©xico . In addition, alcoholic beverages contain many sugars or artificial sweeteners, which are also not very recommended.

Limiting the consumption of spicy foods also offers several benefits, as they are irritating to the stomach. Scientific evidence indicates that their consumption should be limited in the case of intestinal disorders.

Chocolate is prohibited in the diet for dyspepsia.
Chocolate should be avoided in case of dyspepsia

It is possible to improve dyspepsia through diet

Adapting the diet can be decisive if we want to calm the symptoms of dyspepsia. To provide proper treatment, however, it is necessary to identify the causes, but it is equally important to make a number of changes in nutrition.

If you regularly suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, limit the consumption of fats and fibers; instead increase the ingestion of fermented products. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking probiotic supplements that can improve the prognosis of the disease.

Finally, remember that both alcohol and irritating foods are highly discouraged. The ideal is to minimize them to avoid further complications. If you still have any doubts, consult a specialist who can prescribe a tailor-made diet.

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