Eating Citrus Fruits For Breakfast: What Are The Benefits?

Did you know that vitamin C and orange antioxidants are perfect allies against aging and gastrointestinal problems? By taking the juice every day, we will obtain significant benefits.
Eating citrus fruits for breakfast: what are the benefits?

We are often told that, in order not to get sick, we must eat oranges or drink their juice. However,  eating citrus fruits allows us to obtain many other benefits, especially if we take them for breakfast.

In this article we will tell you about some of the benefits of eating citrus when you wake up.

Properties of citrus fruits that you may not know

The idea is to give a clearer picture of the great power of oranges, lemons and tangerines, not to downsize them or deny their ability to strengthen the immune system, but to make it clear that the benefits of eating citrus go far beyond .

In addition to helping us treat a cold (or avoid catching it), thanks to their vitamin C intake, citrus fruits have much more to offer.

These are inexhaustible mines of natural benefits that are worth taking advantage of at any time of the year. Here are some of the benefits of eating citrus fruits:

They take care of the skin and tone it

Tangerines bring medicinal and cosmetic benefits thanks to vitamin C. We must not only take them, but also use them as the main ingredient for making natural masks.

Why are they used? To tone the skin, eliminate impurities and treat irritations. Not to mention that they improve blood circulation.  

They reduce stress

basket with citrus fruits

Oranges in particular are excellent allies in your battle against fatigue, chronic fatigue and nerves. 

This is due to the fact that they have very beneficial substances (among them calcium, iron and magnesium) that reduce stress. Furthermore, these elements enhance sight, improve intestinal transit and strengthen bones.

Thanks to citric acids and mineral salts, orange is able to improve our mood. For this reason it is recommended to drink the juice in the morning. Smiles guaranteed throughout the day!

They treat the return from vacation syndrome

Lemon fights viral diseases and helps us lose weight. It has also been shown to help eliminate the depression, apathy and lack of concentration that are so common when we go back to work after the holidays.

This syndrome that brings us anxiety, bad mood and headache, can be treated simply by adding this citrus fruit to salads.

In turn, it is advisable to have tea with lemon in the morning (half an hour before breakfast) to cheer us up and be invaded by positive emotions.

They fight insomnia

In this case we will use another part of the tree (not the fruit). Orange leaves are ideal for relaxing before going to bed. Unlike juice, it is recommended to drink this tea in the evening.

Its sedative properties will allow us to fall asleep after a few minutes and rest at best.

This tea is able to lower fever, calm headaches and treat digestive problems, especially when they are caused by stress and nerves.

They eliminate toxins

glass with water and citrus

Grapefruit is one of the lesser known citrus fruits, even if it can count on wonderful purifying properties. It is ideal for eliminating toxins that accumulate in the body.

As if that weren’t enough, this fruit also helps us to:

  • Prevent anemia.
  • Reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  • Lower high blood pressure.
  • Rebalance the amount of sugar in the blood.

It also possesses antiseptic properties. If you take grapefruit juice on an empty stomach, we can burn fat accumulated in the stomach area.

Freshly squeezed orange juice continues to be the best option

box of citrus oranges

Regardless of the benefits of lemon, tangerines or grapefruit, no one can deny that the orange is the great star of the morning at home.

Who doesn’t love drinking freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast? And if it’s just done, even better.

Just like other citrus fruits, this fruit increases the secretion of bile and stimulates the emptying of the gallbladder. For this reason, it reduces the ailments related to this imbalance: stomach heaviness, headache, pressure on the right side of the abdomen, etc.

Many people avoid drinking orange juice on an empty stomach because when the stomach is empty and the amount of bile increases, it can cause nausea or stomach pain.

However, these minor ailments, if any, should be endured in order to take advantage of benefits such as hemoglobinization and weight control.

Oranges have a good amount of antioxidants. These combine with vitamin C to fight aging and relieve gastrointestinal problems (such as ulcers and gastritis).

They also help improve wound healing, accelerate post-operative recovery and prevent disease.

Eating citrus fruits, the best option for breakfast

If we add a few teaspoons of honey to the orange juice (to reduce the slightly sour and bitter taste), we will perfectly integrate our breakfast.

This ingredient, with essential carbohydrates and sugars, represents a kind of fuel for the body. The energies will never leave you in the day!

A good idea to enjoy all the benefits of citrus fruits early in the morning is to prepare a “combined” juice.


  • 1 orange
  • ½ lemon
  • ½ carrot
  • ½ apple
Citrus juice for breakfast


  • Peel the carrot and cut it into slices.
  • Squeeze the orange and lemon.
  • Remove the heart of the apple and cut it into cubes.
  • Put everything in the blender and blend for a few seconds.
  • If you want, add a little honey to sweeten.
  • Drink immediately (if the juice is very thick, you can add a little water or ice cubes).

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