Facial Blemishes: 4 Natural Smoothies To Reduce Them

These natural smoothies help keep the skin clean and help reduce blemishes on the skin.
Facial blemishes: 4 natural smoothies to reduce them

Consuming the following natural smoothies, indicated for reducing facial blemishes, is an easy (and refreshing) way to integrate all the nutrients contained in fruit and vegetables. You can also create the most varied combinations to adapt them to your tastes.

Would you like to show off more beautiful and healthier skin? What do you think of the possibility of using nutrition to reduce spots  on the face? We talk about it in this article.

Nutrition and the skin

A complete, balanced and varied diet can contribute positively to overall health. And when it comes to skin, the largest organ in the body, it gets very interesting.

Through proper nutrition you can get multiple nutrients useful for the proper functioning of the body. Let’s talk about vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, essential for the health of the body.

Natural smoothies to reduce skin blemishes
For beautiful and healthy skin it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition.

Skin care is not limited to daily cleansing or the use of sunscreen, but is also based on the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits, such as proper nutrition.

Although it is not possible to eliminate skin imperfections or cure dermatological disorders with food alone, it is still possible to use it as a complement to the treatments prescribed by the doctor.

Natural smoothies to reduce facial blemishes

In the next few lines you will find some delicious recipes for making natural smoothies that can help you get healthy and beautiful skin.

Beetroot and melon

The delicate and sweet flavor of the melon, combined with the spicy taste of the beets gives us a delicious natural juice, a must try.


  • ½ melon
  • 1 small beet
  • 1 medium cucumber


  • Peel and cut the ingredients, then pour them into the blender.
  • Blend everything for a few seconds.
  • Finally, serve and consume in moderation.
  • If you prefer a more liquid, lighter and a little sweeter texture, we suggest you add more melon.

Carrot and orange juice to reduce skin blemishes

Carrot and orange juice smoothie

The carrot and orange juice smoothie is well known for being rich in antioxidants and beta carotene, both of which are essential for good skin health.


  • Orange juice
  • 3 carrots
  • Lemon juice (optional)


  • First, wash and peel the carrots.
  • Then, pour them into the blender, along with the orange juice and add a little water if necessary.
  • Blend everything for a few seconds, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Serve it without straining and consume it as soon as it is done, with a few ice cubes.

Spinach and apples against facial blemishes

The spinach and apple smoothie is also very popular. Both ingredients are rich in numerous nutrients useful for the health of the skin, helping to make it more beautiful and healthy.


  • 2 apples
  • Parsley (to taste)
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • Rolled oats (optional)


  • First, cut the fruit in half and extract the seeds.
  • Then cut it into small pieces. It is not necessary to peel it.
  • Then, wash all the ingredients thoroughly and pour them into the blender, along with the water.
  • Blend everything for a couple of minutes, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Finally, serve and drink it at the moment.  

Blueberry and lemon smoothie

Blueberries are among the foods richest in antioxidants. Reason why, it is good to use them in all possible ways. Here is the recipe to prepare a delicious smoothie, combining them with lemon.


  • The juice of two lemons
  • 1 glass of fresh blueberries
  • Powdered chlorophyll (optional).


  • First of all, squeeze the juice from the two lemons and set aside.
  • Then, wash the blueberries well and dry them.
  • Then, pour all the ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth.
  • If you prefer, add the chlorophyll powder and continue blending.
  • Finally, consume it without straining.

Some tips for making great smoothies

Smoothies to reduce blemishes on the skin

If you prefer thicker smoothies, you can add oatmeal or some fruits such as banana to your preparations.

If you want to add spices (such as cinnamon or ginger) to your smoothies, ask your doctor for advice first, as their consumption may have contraindications.

If you prefer more liquid and velvety preparations, you can add vegetable drinks to the smoothie and reduce the amount of some ingredients.

To conclude

Consume natural smoothies in moderation and always within a balanced diet, and never as a substitute for main meals, as this could lead to nutritional imbalances.

Also, avoid drinking more than 2 glasses a day. Remember that moderation is everything when it comes to losing weight (or maintaining it). The fact that they are natural drinks does not mean that they are harmless when consumed in excess.

Avoid adding sugar, honey, and other sweeteners to smoothies, as they can easily exceed your daily calorie intake limit.

Also remember that the consumption of smoothies to reduce facial blemishes or to take care of the body is not the same as consuming fruit in its natural state. Therefore, avoid consuming these drinks as a fruit substitute.

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