Flabby Legs: 6 Exercises To Tone Them

To get good results, it is important to be consistent with the implementation of these leg exercises, only in this way will we be able to fight flaccidity.
Flabby legs: 6 exercises to tone them

Legs are one of the most important parts of the body for women, so it is normal for them to want to keep them in perfect condition. Nobody likes flabby legs!

However, due to constant hormonal fluctuations, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, it is quite easy for them to not be as firm as they used to be. 

This problem is quite common from the age of 30 even if, due to overweight and bad habits, it can occur at a less advanced age.

Although it is not a health problem, those who suffer from it suffer a lowering of their self-esteem and lose confidence in themselves, perhaps avoiding wearing clothes of a certain type.

One thing that many people don’t know is that there are effective ways to reverse this process, especially when flaccidity occurs in the epidermal tissue and not in the muscle mass.

One of the most effective methods is the continuous realization of physical exercises which, by activating the circulation,  make the legs become firmer and keep them in shape.

Best of all, there is no need to go to the gym to do away with flabby legs. With a few tasks to do around the house, you can establish a routine to work every day in no time.

Below we share the 6 best exercises for you to achieve firm and strong legs.

Don’t stop running them!

Exercises to fight say goodbye to flabby legs

1. Squat

Squat flaccid legs

Squats continue to be regarded as one of the best exercises for strengthening and toning the legs and buttocks.

They work the whole lower body and are useful for burning calories and increasing muscle mass.

How are they made?

  • Keep your back straight, feet apart about 20 centimeters and lower your torso until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
  • If you wish, you can increase the difficulty of the exercise by adding weight or increasing the number of repetitions.

2. Lunges

Legs flaccid lunges

Lunges are used to increase elasticity and to make quadriceps and glutes firm, perfect for forgetting about flabby legs.

This is a more complicated exercise than the previous one and, in the long term, it helps to reduce the appearance of “orange peel skin”.

How are they made?

  • Spread your legs at the hips, inhale and bring one foot forward
  • The rear leg must support itself on the toes, while the knee must flex towards the body
  • Keep the spine straight and avoid the front knee going over the right angle or the tip of the foot
  • Lower the body until the front leg is positioned with the thigh parallel to the floor
  • Return to the starting position by contracting the leg muscles without tilting the torso
  • Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions

3. Sumo squat

Squat sumo flaccid legs

The sumo squats are a variation of the classic ones and their function is to strengthen the outer part of the buttocks and hips. 

The inner part of the legs is worked, giving priority to the adductor and hamstring muscles.

How are they made?

  • Stand with your legs shoulder- width apart and your toes pointing outward.
  • Lower your torso without tilting or lowering your back.
  • Lower yourself by flexing your legs and keeping your abdomen contracted.
  • Make sure your knees do not go beyond your toes and return to the starting position.
  • Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

4. Raise your legs

Lift flaccid legs

Leg lift exercises are useful for working the quadriceps and abs. There are many variations to make them and below we illustrate a very simple way.

How are they made?

  • Lie on a mat to do exercises, with your arms resting on the floor at the sides.
  • Raise your legs until they form a 90 ° angle to the floor.
  • Keep your legs raised for five seconds and carefully lower them.
  • Do 20 repetitions.

5. The bridge

Bridge with flaccid legs weights

The bridge is an exercise that works the legs, buttocks and abdominal area  so it is not only used to tone the flabby legs.

It is used to tone the muscles and relax the lower back.

How is it done?

  • Lie on your stomach on a mat with your legs slightly apart and your knees bent.
  • Lift your pelvis upwards, helping yourself with your forearms that will be resting on the floor.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and lower yourself carefully and without resting your buttocks on the ground.
  • Repeat the exercise 15 times.

6. Raise your heels

Raise your heels against your flabby legs

Raising the heels is an exercise used to strengthen the calves and decrease flaccidity.

How is it done?

  • Stand on your toes and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement 20 times.

Do this short routine every day and you will gradually get toned and strong legs. Obviously you will be able to achieve good results only with the continuous realization of these exercises. 

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