Following The Mediterranean Diet: 10 Reasons

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the food plans with the most benefits for human health, as confirmed by many scientific studies. Find out with us why to follow this diet.
Follow the Mediterranean diet: 10 reasons

Following the Mediterranean diet is one of the best eating habits for all those who want to keep fit by taking care of their health. But why?

In today’s article we will show you all the benefits derived from following the Mediterranean diet . This is not just a list of nutritional advice, it is so much more. It is a synthesis of balanced life and a real cultural heritage of the peoples bordering the Mediterranean.

On November 16, 2010 it was declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, a denomination granted to the food lifestyle of four countries: Italy, Spain, Greece and Morocco.

What foods should we eat to follow the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet includes all food groups, as long as the food pyramid is respected. The base of this pyramid contains the foods that can be eaten every day, as you go up, those that should be eaten once a week or occasionally.

Foods suitable for following the Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest food plans, because it invites you to eat healthy and balanced, limiting only certain foods.

Foods that must be ingested daily

  • Cereals: pasta, rice and bread are examples. Experts recommend eating 30g of bread and 60-80g of pasta or rice per day.
  • Fruits and vegetables : the base of the food pyramid indicates that you should eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables (alternating) per day, i.e. 120-180 g of fruit and 150-200 g of vegetables.
  • One and a half liters of water a day.
  • A glass of milk or two yogurts.
  • A tablespoon of raw extra virgin olive oil.
  • Condiments such as garlic and onion, always raw.

Foods that we can eat one or more times a week to follow the Mediterranean diet

  • Fish
  • Low-fat meat
  • Red meat: it is recommended not to exceed 1 ration per week
  • Eggs: 2-4 per week
  • Legumes and potatoes: it is recommended not to exceed 3 times a week.

Foods we should eat from time to time

  • Yeasts
  • Desserts
  • Candies
  • sugar
  • Fruit juices and sugary drinks

10 reasons that will convince you to follow the Mediterranean diet

1. It is one of the best diets according to science

The Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the food plans that enjoys the most scientific support regarding health benefits.

For a long time, this diet has aroused the interest of the scientific community, especially for its therapeutic role in the treatment of various diseases associated with chronic inflammation, such as some metabolic syndromes, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer. .

Healthy eating woman eating a salad
The Mediterranean diet has been thoroughly researched to explain its health benefits. It can help prevent and treat various diseases.

2. Increase good cholesterol levels

According to researchers from the Spanish consortium for biomedical research on the pathophysiology of obesity and nutrition (CIBEROBN), the Mediterranean diet promotes the proper functioning of the particles that carry the so-called good cholesterol, which prevents the arteries from clogging.

3. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Several studies have shown that people in Mediterranean countries suffer less from cardiovascular disease than in other areas of the world. This is due to the high amount of nutrients contained in traditional recipes.

4. Reduces the risk of breast cancer, heart attack and stroke

Some clinical studies have shown that following the Mediterranean diet decreases the risk of suffering from circulatory problems by 66%. In addition, it also reduces the risk of having a heart attack or stroke by 30% and up to 68% of developing breast cancer.

5. Following the Mediterranean diet helps fight severe depression

A group of researchers from the Australian University of Deakin has carried out a series of tests that have made it possible to affirm that the Mediterranean diet helps fight severe depression.

Woman suffering from depression
Following the Mediterranean diet can help prevent and treat symptoms of depression. Healthy foods have a positive effect on brain chemistry.

6. Increase longevity

People who follow the Mediterranean diet tend to live longer. This food plan, in fact, promotes life expectancy and slows aging, thanks to foods rich in antioxidants and high quality nutrients.

7. The Mediterranean diet helps you lose weight

Low fat is consumed and only olive oil is used for cooking, much healthier than butter and other animal and vegetable fats used in other diets. For this reason, following the Mediterranean diet is a great way to prevent obesity.

8. Keeps the brain young

Green leafy vegetables, which are rich in antioxidants, help prevent cell degeneration. Eating at least one ration a day helps delay cognitive decline associated with aging, a study published in the journal Neurology shows .

9. Helps maintain ideal weight

The Mediterranean diet is very varied and provides a low calorie intake. When combined with exercise, it is easy to approach ideal weight. Fighting against being overweight will also help keep you away from many diseases, which put your fitness at risk.

Check the weight on the scale
Unlike the so-called “miracle diets”, the Mediterranean diet helps to reach a healthy weight in a balanced way, without side effects. At the same time, it promotes the prevention of diseases associated with overweight.

10. Following the Mediterranean diet helps the planet

One of the bases of the Mediterranean diet is the consumption of fresh and seasonal foods. By adopting these eating habits, you will also help the planet, promoting a sustainable consumption of its resources.

After reading these 10 reasons to follow the Mediterranean diet, you will no longer have any doubts: it is the perfect diet for everyone! Take advantage of the summer to include the great variety of fruit and vegetables that our country offers and put the advice in this article into practice.

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