Foods That Contain Linoleic Acid, What Are They?

In this article, we introduce foods that contain linoleic acid, as well as explain what this fatty acid is used for. It offers interesting health benefits, so it should be included in the diet.
Foods that contain linoleic acid, what are they?

There are many foods that contain linoleic acid. This lipid offers several cardiovascular health benefits and is believed to be effective in fighting extra pounds.

It is certainly an essential nutrient for health, which must be present in the diet in order to prevent possible heart disease. Several nutrition experts advise against taking linoleic acid supplements ; the ideal, in fact, is to obtain it through the diet.

Linoleic acid is found in vegetables

The most important sources of linoleic acid are plants. In particular, dried fruit and oils are rich in it. However, it is also present in eggs and some cereals.

Seed oils also contain this fatty acid, although experts advise against its consumption on a regular basis, especially in frying. In this case the harmful effects of the other lipid components may be greater than the benefits.

To ensure a correct intake of linoeic acid through food, a varied diet must be followed. As a general rule, consuming dried fruit as a snack or snack is ideal for achieving this goal.

However, we must not forget that this lipid belongs to the group of Omega-6 fatty acids. The consumption of these fatty acids, as well as of the Omega-3 ones, must be balanced to prevent any inflammatory states in the body.

This is what was stated in a research published in the journal Nutrients . The absence of systemic balance could represent a risk factor for the development of obesity.

Dried fruit is among the foods that contain linoleic acid.
Dried fruit boasts abundant amounts of linoleic acid, of which it is the best source.

Foods that contain linoleic acid reduce the risk of getting disease

Several studies, including the one published in the journal Public Health Nutrition , associate regular consumption of foods rich in linoleic acid with a lower risk of cancer, particularly breast cancer. Nonetheless, more data is needed to support this thesis.

More recent articles also associate regular consumption of this nutrient with a lower risk of obesity and atherosclerosis. An article published in 2019 in the journal Nutrients establishes a possible long-term correlation with the prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases.

It is clear that the consumption of healthy fats is a protective factor against the development of numerous pathologies. Within this group of lipids there are not those that have undergone heat treatment, a process by which they are transformed into trans fats thus losing their qualities.

Consume linoleic acid in the right proportions

Despite the benefits attributed to the consumption of linoleic acid, it is not recommended to take this substance through supplements. Including foods that contain linoleic acid in your diet is enough to enjoy its benefits.

We must not forget, as already mentioned, that it belongs to the Omega-6 group, a family of healthy fats. If a balance of fatty acids is not achieved in the body, their anti-inflammatory effects cease.

Also taking into account the effects on cardiovascular health, it is essential to introduce in the diet also products rich in Omega-3 fats, such as avocado, extra virgin olive oil or blue fish. Among the latter it is preferable to choose small ones, which contain lower quantities of heavy metals.

Seeds with linoleic acid.
To get the maximum benefits from consuming linoleic acid, this substance must be present in the diet.

Consume foods that contain linoleic acid

In order to improve your health and reduce the incidence of diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases, it is important to include foods that contain linoleic acid in your diet. These nutrients have several positive effects when consumed on a regular basis.

Products of plant origin, such as dried fruit, seeds or whole grains, are the main source. However, avoid buying those that have undergone heat treatment, which could reduce their nutritional properties and make them less healthy.

Despite the positive effects that this lipid seems to have on health, science advises against taking it through supplements. The latter are not useful in the treatment of chronic diseases.

The fatty acids obtained from a varied and balanced diet are sufficient to meet the body’s needs. So try to make some changes to your diet to enjoy all the properties of linoleic acid.

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