Get Away From Those Who Don’t Really Need Us

We learn to put our needs first and understand that, for better or for worse, the most important person in our life is ourselves: those who make us suffer are too many.
Get away from those who don't really need us

If you are used to using social networks, surely you know the “Remove from friends” option. Often the list of our friendships is extended to include people who in reality we do not even know, or, at times, to subjects who bring us above all problems and which we certainly do not need.

Nowadays, especially among the younger ones, it is easy for friendships to end this way. Those who do not exist in their social network do not exist in life. Ultimately, it’s a cold, impersonal way to break ties.

Well, with this example in mind, many of us should do the same in real life. Sometimes we carry relationships on our shoulders that hinder our personal growth.

It is not about going to tell the four winds that we no longer want to have anything to do with someone, but only about deciding what our priorities are and to stop investing time and effort in those who do not deserve it.

When they no longer need us: the important thing is to learn to recognize it

It’s not always easy to tell when the time has come when we stop being important to someone. Not only that, it can also happen that this person begins to lose respect for us and that the bond is kept alive for reasons of opportunism.

It is essential to be able to distinguish those who really need us from those who have long since “left” our heart. Those who have children know well that, sooner or later, the time comes when they stop depending on us.

This phenomenon is part of becoming mature, of the ability to be independent. In reality, children will always need us. We are talking, of course, about true affections.

There are friendships that appear punctually when it suits them: when they want a favor, when they need someone to listen to them “as only we know how to do”. We pay attention to these one-way requests.

We will show support, affection and understanding to our friends, as long as there is reciprocity. Friendship, like any relationship, is based on a sincere exchange of emotions, thoughts, comfort.

  • If you do not feel any of these feelings and you feel that this person is only looking for you when they need something in return, do not hesitate to set limits.
  • There is no need to break the bond overnight. To begin with, it will be enough to say with an open heart what you feel and set some stakes.

“I can’t do this because I don’t want to”. “Lately I notice that you only seek my friendship when you need something. I expect more recognition from you ”.

who really cares about us makes us feel the pleasure of being important

The pleasure of being important to those who truly care about us

Don’t worry if you have let people go along the way over the years. Life is like this:  moving forward and staying with the essentials, with what  is important to us at that moment and knows how to enlarge our heart.

Those who walk with a light mind and a full heart can be happy more easily: this is why we should not be hesitant to let go of those who do not deserve us.

There will be times when we will feel a deep pain in realizing that a person who is significant to us has suddenly stopped being important, recognizing us as a person, needing us.

Healing pain takes time, but let us always remember that the great love of our life is first of all ourselves. Those who love and respect themselves will understand if it is appropriate to open the door of the heart to a second chance.

  • In fact, the people who really matter to us are few, but they are certainly the best. Let’s not rush to lengthen the list, as we do with social networks. In real life the priority goes to us and to the care of those in front of us.
  • Those who really need us show it in an integral way, without selfishness or blackmail. People who love and respect us know the rules of mutual exchange where everyone gains and nobody loses.
  • Those who need us are able to prove it, they never forget the word reciprocity. Making people close to us understand that we need them is a powerful form of recognition, because it makes them feel useful, important and a necessary part of our network of affections.
it is good to get away from those who don't really need us

To live, we need many things: food, shelter, warmth, home, moments of leisure and freedom. However, we must not forget that the most important things in this world are not things, but people.

That is why it is so important to learn to care, to pay attention and, without fear, to leave behind the dead weights that can only hurt us and hinder our personal growth. Prioritize the right things. Take care of yourself and who really means something to you.

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