Having Breakfast: Is It Really Necessary?

We have always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. How much does it actually matter? What does science say? 
Making breakfast: is it really necessary?

We have always been told that having breakfast is essential as part of a healthy diet. This claim, however, has for some time begun to be questioned.

The importance attached to the first meal of the day has given a big boost to a certain sector of the food industry. If we think about it, it is the only meal that has food dedicated in a special way. What’s new on this topic?

Is it necessary to have breakfast?

We can say that there is no meal of the day that is currently considered indispensable. The truth is that most of the findings on the benefits of breakfast are observational.

What does it mean? It has been observed that people who eat breakfast tend to have better health, but it has not been shown that the reason is actually the first meal of the day.

From a nutritional point of view what we eat during the day counts, that the food is in adequate quantity for our energy needs, as well as healthy. As almost always, even in the food sector there is no formula applicable to everyone.

The advice to eat 5 meals a day can be valid for some; for others it may be sufficient to concentrate everything in two large meals. We should therefore leave behind the idea of ​​an ideal diet to adopt healthy, but tailored eating habits.

American breakfast.
Whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day is currently under discussion. Scientific evidence in this regard is insufficient.

What happens if we skip breakfast?

Some people in the morning have no hunger or no desire to have breakfast; or they solve the first meal of the day with a coffee or an infusion.

This does not mean that they will perform poorly or feel tired all morning. Nor that they will attack the fridge at lunchtime. Each of us knows his own body, his own needs to which the meals of the day must be adapted.

It has even been observed that not having breakfast can offer advantages; this in the context of studies conducted on intermittent fasting. Sometimes the 8-hour food windows force us to skip breakfast or delay it for a few hours.

It is certainly advisable to concentrate the bulk of meals during the day, but no health problems have been observed in those who dine late. In short, it is okay to have breakfast and lunch, and to have lunch and dinner early.

Have breakfast in weight loss diets

And when on a weight loss diet is it necessary to have breakfast? This is undoubtedly one of the tips we hear most from nutritionists.

Little by little, however, other concepts are emerging, but we have always thought that eating often helps us not to get hungry for lunch or dinner, as well as guaranteeing a constant energy supply.

These rules are gradually disappearing. Several studies tell us that eating little and frequently does not actually speed up the metabolism. Conversely, skipping breakfast can be good because it reduces your total calorie intake. 

Other data show that imposing breakfast on those who do not have this habit can cause an increase in the total calories introduced.

We must therefore be careful in recommending breakfast to those who follow a weight loss diet, because it could have the opposite effect. The particular characteristics and needs of the individual must always be considered.

Girl in front of healthy breakfast.
Before recommending breakfast to those on a weight loss diet, its individual characteristics must be taken into account. It doesn’t always have a positive effect.

Who should have breakfast?

Who does not eat enough

Skipping breakfast doesn’t have to mean you’re undernourished or malnourished. As we have said, it is very important that the diet is balanced throughout the day.

Breakfast, therefore, is necessary if throughout the day we fail to introduce all the nutrients that our body requires to stay healthy.

Those suffering from digestive disorders

It is not good to eat very large meals when you suffer from ailments such as gastritis, slow digestion, hiatal hernia or if the gallbladder has been removed. In these cases, it is recommended to have a meal in the morning and a mid-morning snack as well. 

Who eats snacks in the middle of the morning

There are those who get out of bed with little time and little hunger, but in the middle of the morning they go to the snack machine. In this case it would be good to start having breakfast at home or plan a break based on healthier foods.

Who eats too much for dinner

If you wake up in the morning without hunger because you ate too much the night before or you have the habit of having a snack before going to bed, the ideal will be to review the dinner in terms of quantity and quality. This way, you will certainly wake up with more appetite the next day.

If you have breakfast, let it be healthy

Protein breakfast.
Including healthy foods for breakfast is the best way to take advantage of the first meal of the day. The secret is to choose the right foods.

The science seems to speak for itself: there is nothing special about breakfast. However, if you wake up hungry or think breakfast will improve your overall diet, make sure it’s healthy.

Improving the breakfast in terms of quality and variety is very important. It is necessary to take into account all the discoveries that have been made about it and start adopting healthy eating habits. Breakfast is the ideal time to consume some foods and nutrients that are important for health:

  • Dried fruit. It is a good source of protein and minerals, especially if you follow a vegan diet. You don’t need to worry too much about fats – they have a healthy lipid profile.
  • Rolled oats, whole grains, or whole wheat bread. They are rich in fiber, especially ideal if you don’t like fruit and vegetables.
  • Eggs, yogurt, cheese or tofu – these must be your morning protein sources.
  • Fruit and vegetables to accompany muesli or toast.

How Much Do You Need to Have Breakfast?

Perhaps we have given too much importance to the first meal of the day, yet it is clear that it must be healthy if we are to take care of our health. Let’s keep this in mind next time we go shopping!

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