Healthy Habits To Improve Intestinal Flora

In order to improve the intestinal flora there are some simple habits that, put into practice every day, will help you feel good and digest better.
Healthy habits to improve the intestinal flora

The lifestyle of each person has a decisive impact on the health and well-being of their body. In order to improve the intestinal flora it is necessary to follow healthy habits, which will allow the digestive system to function at its best, removing the possibility of any problems.

In this article we will try to show you how to improve the intestinal flora , first of all explaining what it is, how it works and what are the elements that can affect it in a negative way.

If you want to develop new, healthier habits to take care of your digestive system and increase your quality of life, do not miss the following article.

What is the intestinal flora?

The bacteria deposited in the intestine are known as intestinal flora or microbiota. Most of them have a positive effect on the body and only a small percentage can be considered “harmful” to health.

These two groups together form a balanced and complex ecosystem that is self-regulating. In addition, they represent the body’s natural defense against infections and other diseases.

The intestinal flora promotes digestion, intestinal transit, prevents the unwanted presence of harmful germs and prevents infections.

At the same time, it contributes to the strengthening of the immune system. This small amount of pathogenic bacteria keeps the body alert and constantly activates its defenses.

In addition to this, the intestinal flora:

  • Promotes lactose tolerance.
  • Helps in the absorption of calcium.
  • It protects the liver, as it neutralizes harmful substances.
  • It is also useful in the prevention of colon cancer.

Bad habits that alter the intestinal flora

Stressed woman in the office

As previously mentioned, unfortunately some behaviors can lead to a weakening of the intestinal flora, with negative consequences for the whole body.

We are talking about a series of bad habits that can cause gas and bloating, as well as increase the production of nitrosamines, organic compounds that have a strong carcinogenic action.

  • Diets low in fiber or high in fried foods, sugar, meats, and processed and refined foods are absolutely to be avoided.
  • Consuming raw or undercooked foods, as well as contaminated water, increases this imbalance.
  • Similarly, stress, insomnia, addiction to tobacco and alcohol or the unregulated use of antibiotics threaten the normal functioning of the intestinal flora.
  • Age is also a risk factor. In fact, from the age of 60, the number of beneficial bacteria decreases and diseases increase.

The digestive system

The human digestive system is made up of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. More than 95% of the bacteria live in the digestive tract, especially in the colon.

Each individual hosts about 400 species of microorganisms, mostly of the bacterial type. In total, they reach a weight of up to two kilos, similar to that of the liver.

Basic functions of the intestinal flora

Exercise to improve the intestinal flora

Three fundamental functions are attributed to the intestinal flora: protective (or immune), metabolic (or nutritional) and trophic. All these are the keys to the proper development of some organs. The imbalance of the flora is related to the development of serious pathologies, among which it is worth mentioning:

  • Diabetes
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Obesity
  • Asthma
  • Allergies.

Foods that are good for the intestinal flora


Yogurt with berries and whole grains

Probiotic foods are based on live microorganisms of natural origin. If consumed in the appropriate doses, they strengthen the defenses, minimize diseases and improve intestinal transit. Among these we find:

  • Yogurt, cheese and fermented milk.
  • Fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and kombucha.
  • Olives, gherkins and other pickles in vinegar are a rich source of these nutrients.
  • Lactobacillus and bifidobacterium are probiotic bacteria.


Prebiotic foods are substances that stimulate the growth of the intestinal flora.

They are found in garlic, onion, artichoke, spinach, banana, soy, corn. They are of great help to the elderly. Probiotics and prebiotics can be part of the composition of foods.

How to improve the intestinal flora?

Among the good habits that you will have to put into practice to improve the intestinal flora, there is the abundant consumption of fruit and vegetables. Additionally, it is important to add prebiotic foods and supplements that contain probiotics.

  • Low-fat yogurt, with no sweeteners or added sugars, is a quality protein source that helps maintain appetite control. It provides calcium and is practically lactose free.
  • Cheese made from raw milk is rich in probiotics, including the thermophillus, bifudus, bulgaricus, and acidophilus groups. It is advisable to favor sheep and goat cheese.
  • Milk fermented with bifidobacteria can be very useful. These counteract and isolate pathogens, producing substances that protect the mucous membrane of the colon. In some cases they counteract mild digestive discomfort.
  • Furthermore, ingesting 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day is part of the good habits that improve the intestinal flora.
  • Also remember to avoid excessive consumption of animal-based proteins.

Final remarks

The intestinal flora plays an important role both for the health of the digestive system and for the prevention of many diseases.

Therefore, it is important to adopt healthy habits to improve it. A diet rich in probiotics and prebiotics can contribute, as you have seen, to its proper functioning.

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