How To Find Time To Play Sports?

Our time is worth gold and must be exploited. We always try to do our best during the day, and between one duty and another, we leave out what we think is not important. It is therefore common that you do not find the time to play sports.
How to find time to play sports?

Between work, home or school, we forget how important it is to take care of our body. Not only for the physical aspect, but also and above all for our well-being and for our health. But how do you find time to play sports?

It is not essential to go to the gym, as you can also train at home to look and feel better. Find out more in the following lines.

Why don’t we find time to play sports?

You may be willing to exercise, but that’s not enough. There is no point in resorting to the excuse of not having time to get fit. It is important to motivate yourself and make some sacrifices.

The lack of sport generates a sedentary lifestyle which predisposes us to chronic diseases such as obesity, muscle atrophy, stress, digestive disorders and osteoporosis.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 600,000 premature deaths occur in the Eurozone each year due to physical inactivity. This figure in the world reaches 1.9 million.

As a result, those who do not participate in sports are more likely to die prematurely. It is not about being alarmed, but motivating oneself to abandon counterproductive thoughts such as:

  • I have not enough time.
  • I don’t have enough money to join the gym.
  • Work consumes me.
  • The university doesn’t leave me free time.
  • Sport makes me hungrier and I don’t want to get fat.

We know that sometimes the commitments multiply and that 24 hours are not enough. However, we still manage to carve out spaces to check social networks, see a movie or take a nap. Everything rather than sport.

Constantly putting it off due to busy schedules won’t make it any easier. It is about reorganizing the agenda and managing priorities including physical activity, even simple.

Boy doing sports at home.
We can always find a time of day to exercise indoors if we can’t go out or if our schedule is too full.

Why it is important to play sports

Training and following a correct diet offer us more energy, reduce stress and improve our physical fitness. In general, when we keep active our quality of life improves.

Anyone who practices sports enjoys better self-control and decision-making skills, developing excellent cognitive skills.

In addition to this, the brain releases endorphins during and at the end of physical exercise, reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety, or promoting emotional well-being and happiness. Studies have confirmed a relationship between relaxation and exercise. Here are other reasons why you should take the time to play sports:

  • Improve your mood.
  • Fights insomnia.
  • It stimulates learning and memory.

5 tips for finding time for sports

Unlike what many think,  playing sports helps the body work efficiently. It offers him the energy to face the rest of the day. Don’t look for excuses; take advantage of your time with the following recommendations.

1. Get organized

Check the time you have. And starting from this, you redefine your priorities. You can write a list of your activities and delete the ones that aren’t important.

2. Join a group to play sports

You are not alone! Surely some of your friends are also looking for the time to do some physical exercise. Come together and everything will be more stimulating and fun.

Start with a light workout and gradually increase the intensity, up to the resistance that the body allows.

3. Look for a suitable place

A gym or park near work or university is ideal. Recreating a space in your home can work just as well,  especially if you decide to work out early in the morning or before falling asleep.

One of the advantages of home training is that you can take classes online, taught by qualified instructors.

4. Discover the activities you enjoy most to find time to play sports

Squats, abs or push-ups are not required to keep you fit. You can also think about other activities, such as dancing, cycling, swimming or yoga. The key is to figure out what you like best and to dedicate some time to it every day.  

People on bicycles at sunset.
Exercise doesn’t always have to be a boring activity. Cycling activates us and allows us to be outdoors.

5. It doesn’t have to be an expense

We have already mentioned that you can train outdoors, in a park or at home. There’s no need to pay for a gym membership, because money doesn’t have to be an excuse.

Shopping for tools or sportswear is often used as a gimmick. The truth, however, is that a pair of light shoes and comfortable clothing are enough.

Finding time to play sports is a big plus

Lack of time for sport is due to mental barriers such as the fear of getting hurt, failing or being ridiculous. So we end up replacing sport with other less demanding activities. In other words, we prefer to sleep, watch movies or spend time on social media.

With a little creativity, and above all organization, you can enjoy good physical and mental health through exercise. Remember that the benefits are numerous, but the most important is that you will have a better lifestyle.

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