How To Relieve Water Retention Naturally

While all teas are good for you, green tea and horsetail are the most recommended for treating and eliminating water retention.
How to relieve water retention naturally

Do you want to relieve water retention ? This is a problem that is not considered serious, but it can still lead to various complications.

Doctors indicate that this is a symptom that originates from a more serious problem or imbalance, which is why it is best to pay close attention and relieve water retention.

What you need to know about water retention

This disorder is characterized by the accumulation of water or other liquid substances in the body. It occurs because the blood vessels bring too much fluid to the tissues and it is impossible to expel them. Water retention is more common in women and it is right to know the causes in order to be able to treat it properly.

Know that the body continually balances the percentages and fluid levels with hormonal fluctuations. When you drink more water than you need, your body eliminates the excess through sweat or urine. The problem arises when it is not possible to excrete this liquid and maintain balance. This is what is called “retention”.

Among the most common causes of water retention we can find:

  • lack of nutrition
  • hormonal imbalances
  • unbalanced diet
  • high consumption of salt or highly seasoned foods
  • liver problems or problems
  • heart or kidney malfunction
  • ingestion of certain drugs or chemicals
  • lack of protein or certain nutrients
  • too sedentary life
  • pregnancy
  • menopause
  • some phases of the menstrual cycle

The most frequent symptoms of water retention are the following:

  • weight gain for no apparent reason
  • sore legs and hands
  • palpitations
  • general malaise
  • cramps
  • weakness or tiredness
  • hypertension
  • cellulite
  • little urine

Forbidden foods

  • Salt : it is best to eliminate it from the diet or replace it with sea salt. In addition, it is possible to season foods with seaweed, herbs or cardamom. In addition, remember that sausages, smoked products, preserves, purées, processed foods, sauces, mayonnaise, cheeses, frozen products, instant soups or broths, soy sauce, seasonings, etc. . they contain a large “hidden” amount of salt.
  • Saturated fats and red meats.
  • Cow’s milk : this is due to its high fat content. Skimmed or lactose-free milk is also not recommended because they are chemically modified and the only effect they have is that the body has to work harder.

Furthermore, the milk remains “attached” to the intestinal lining, preventing proper excretion of faeces. Replace it with plant-based milk such as almond, rice, millet, etc.

water retention

Natural remedies to relieve water retention

  • Dandelion : it is one of the plants with the greatest benefits in these cases as it allows the elimination of excess water in the body. A handful of dried leaves and roots of this plant need to be boiled in one and a half liters of water for 15 minutes. Cover and let cool. Drink a cup before meals.
  • Corn : Boil a few tablespoons of corn beard in water for 20 minutes. Drink once a day to stimulate the kidneys to eliminate fluid. For this reason it is also indicated in cases of renal insufficiency (it is always advisable to consult a doctor).
corn to relieve water retention
  • Tea : any variety is good for counteracting the effects of water retention. The proportion to prepare an infusion is one teaspoon of dried leaves of the chosen tea per cup of water.
  • Meadowsweet : it has diuretic properties and allows to eliminate edema or excess fluids in the body. Prepare an infusion with 4 grams of dried flowers and leaves of this plant and drink it twice a day.
  • Drosera : has excellent diuretic properties as it has a large amount of flavonoids. Drink an infusion made with 1 or 2 grams of sundew per cup, three times a day.
  • Cherries : they serve to stimulate urine, presenting themselves as an excellent natural remedy for people who have to “help” the kidneys for better functioning, as well as in cases of obesity, edema, inflammation or kidney failure.
eat cherries
  • Chicory : acts on the liver and allows to resolve the disorders related to this organ. It also stimulates kidney function and is recommended for patients with gout or arthritis. Prepare a decoction of 30 grams of ground dried roots in a liter of water and drink up to two cups a day.

Juice recipes for water retention

  • Grapefruit, Apple and Fennel Juice : For this recipe you need one grapefruit, one apple and ¼ of fennel. Wash and cut the grapefruit extracting the juice. Wash and chop the apple, and do the same with the fennel. Put everything in the blender and mix for a few minutes. Filter and drink a glass in the morning every three days.
  • Asparagus and Cucumber Juice : You need a handful of asparagus and 2 cucumbers. Wash, peel and chop. Put everything in the blender, strain and drink a glass a day.
  • Parsley and Carrot Juice : You need a bunch of parsley, 2 large carrots and a glass of water. Wash, peel and chop the vegetables. Put in the blender with the glass of water and strain a glass every day and a half.
  • Carrot, Cucumber, Parsley, Apple and Pineapple Juice: To make this juice that fights water retention, you need 2 carrots, a cucumber, 5 bunches of parsley, an apple and 2 slices of pineapple. Wash and chop all the ingredients and put them in the blender with a cup of water. Drink a glass a day, always on an empty stomach.
juices for water retention

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