Joint Pain: 5 Tips To Eliminate It

In this article we will give you some simple tips that you can put into practice every day. Joint pain shouldn’t be underestimated, but don’t worry and read on.
Joint pain: 5 tips to eliminate it

Surely it has happened to you sometimes to get up tired in the morning as if you had made great efforts during the night: you even find it hard to move your hands and when you go down the stairs you feel pains in your knees. How can we relieve joint pain?

In this article we will give you some simple tips that you can put into practice every day. Joint pain shouldn’t be underestimated, but don’t worry and read on.

Tips to relieve joint pain

Many suffer from joint pain: it is a problem caused by arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, etc. Although it is not always possible to completely eliminate pain, what you can do is to follow basic strategies that will allow you to reduce it and, above all, to obtain a better quality of life.

You should always follow your doctor’s advice and do not overindulge in the consumption of medicines such as anti-inflammatories, as these may cause side effects. However, there are some very simple remedies that can be of great help to you. Do you want to know them?

1. Consume ginger every day

benefits of ginger for joint pain

A study carried out by the University of Miami has shown that taking two capsules a day of ginger helps relieve the joints and relieve pain. In fact, the properties of ginger are very similar to those of ibuprofen (without the side effects).

Ginger lozenges can be found in health food stores or herbalists. In addition, you can always use the classic infusion: grate a tablespoon of ginger root and put it to boil in a cup of water. Drink the tea in the morning and in the evening.

2. Beware of some foods

milk and its benefits

Take note of the following foods: it is best to eliminate them or take them in small quantities if you want to decrease the problem of joint pain.

  • Dairy products : contain an element called casein which promotes joint inflammation. If you are a milk and yogurt lover, start considering reducing them for the sake of your health and quality of life.
  • Red meats : Eliminate them completely, because they are not good for health in general and in particular for those with joint problems.
  • Wheat : Does it surprise you? It’s possible. According to recent studies, in fact, wheat and many cereals that contain gluten can cause inflammation in the joints of people suffering from arthritis. The solution? Reduce these foods in our diet to see if the situation improves. Some notice an improvement.
  • Eggs : be careful with their consumption. It is an animal product that contains arachidonic acid in egg white. It is an element that favors the inflammatory process and that could make us feel swollen and painful. Eggs are a healthy, protein-rich food, but they can sometimes cause unexpected effects.
  • Solanaceae : we refer to tomatoes, peppers, aubergines. They can cause muscle and skeletal stiffness, sometimes they promote migraines and joint inflammation, especially in people who already suffer from this disease. This is due to a toxic alkaloid: solanine. The best vegetables you can eat are carrots.

3. Yes to green tea in the morning

green tea properties

Are you a green tea enthusiast? Good for you, because its polyphenols are excellent allies to prevent and calm the effects of arthrosis and joint pain. So remember: never forget to drink a nice glass of green tea during breakfast.

4. A great ally: vitamin E

Its properties are wonderful for counteracting the effects of arthrosis and it is considered a real medicine .  Did you know that you can also find vitamin E in most green leafy vegetables? To get an adequate dose, however, it is better to resort to supplements: for sure you will find them in your pharmacy.

5. Foods that can reduce pain and improve your mood

Improving the quality of our life is essential. This is achieved with good nutrition, which includes nutrients that not only reduce joint pain, but also lift our mood. Do you want some advice to follow?

  • Always consume fresh food (fruit and vegetables). Avoid frozen or industrially produced foods, as they contain elements that promote joint inflammation.
  • Nuts : walnuts, almonds, pistachios… They give us energy and are very healthy.
  • Lemon juice : it provides us with antioxidants and is very adequate especially if drunk in the morning.
  • Cod liver oil : a classic. In addition, it has been shown that, thanks to its omega 3 rich oils, it is very effective for those suffering from joint problems. So don’t hesitate to include a teaspoon a day in your diet.
  • Quinoa and amaranth seeds : have you ever tried them? They are a super food, wonderful seeds that will give you great health benefits and that, day after day, will also be able to calm joint pain.
  • Organic apple cider vinegar : just perfect. In fact, it calms the pain and is highly recommended for our health.

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