Lemon Zest Juice Has Great Healing Power

Lemon zest juice has numerous nutrients that are good for our health. In this article we explain more.
Lemon zest juice has great healing power

 Lemon is a fruit with multiple medicinal properties that has been used for many centuries . Few people know that you can consume lemon zest juice and get great benefits.

This fruit is very common all over the world and can be bought commercially at a very affordable price. Consumers often prefer lemon juice to enjoy the properties of this citrus fruit, as it is easily ingested and can be used to flavor many other foods.

However, most people throw away the lemon zest, ignoring that it contains 5 to 10 times more nutrients than lemon juice, including vitamin A and vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene and potassium.

What are the benefits of lemon zest juice?

lemon zest juice
  • In addition to the nutrients mentioned above, lemon zest contains substances of great health benefit, such as lemon essential oil, lemongrass and phellandrene.
  • Lemon zest is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid, formic acid, hesperidin and pectins, among many others.
  • Lemon zest contains Q 40 salvestrols and lemongrass, two active ingredients that can act on cancer cells in the early stages, especially in breast, colon and skin cancer.
  • Thanks to the high content of vitamin C and flavonoids, lemon peel cleans blood vessels, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and lowers blood pressure.
  • Contains calcium and other essential minerals that strengthen bones and help prevent problems such as osteoporosis.
  • Lemon zest juice or tea is recommended to fight intestinal gas, reduce abdominal inflammation, improve digestion and eliminate waste substances from the body.
  • Thanks to the high content of antioxidants, the lemon peel protects and decongests the liver, eliminating toxins and impurities that could compromise its proper functioning.
  • Like natural lemon juice, the zest also has alkalizing properties that help regulate the body’s pH.
  • Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, lemon zest is recommended to strengthen the immune system and to prevent diseases such as the flu, colds and infections.
  • Lemon zest juice is purifying, boosts metabolism and may help you lose weight.

Recipe for making lemon zest juice

Lemon-peel 2

Lemon zest juice is very easy to prepare and is an ideal drink to refresh and benefit the body.


  • 1 organic lemon with zest
  • ½ liter of water
  • Ice
  • Honey to taste

How is it prepared?

Wash the lemon very well and then blend it together with half a liter of water and a tablespoon of honey. If you like it cold, you can also add some ice. The result will be a lemonade similar to the traditional one, although it will have a different note, given by the lemon peel.

Other ways to consume lemon zest

Lemon peel tea recipe

If you prefer to enjoy the benefits of lemon zest in the traditional way, then follow the directions in this simple recipe to prepare a tasty tea.


  • 2 organic lemons with zest
  • 1 liter of water
  • Honey (optional)

How is it prepared?

Put the lemon zest in a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the juice of the two lemons. Finally, add honey or another natural sweetener.

Grated lemon zest

One of the most common and delicious ways to enjoy the benefits of lemon zest is to use it grated.

How is it prepared?

To prepare it, you have to wash and disinfect the lemons well, put them in the freezer and then grate the zest with a grater. You can use grated zest to flavor salads, juices, fish, meat, desserts or hot drinks, among many other foods.

  • Note : To get the most benefit from lemon zest, we recommend that you get organic lemons, which have not been treated with pesticides. If you do not know the origin of the lemons, then disinfect them by immersing them in a container after filling it with water and vinegar in equal parts. This way you can eliminate residues of pesticides or other chemicals used during cultivation.

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