Letting Go Takes A Lot Of Courage

Have you ever thought that failing to let someone go prevents others from entering your life and taking their place? Give them a chance to show you all the potential they have.
Letting go takes a lot of courage

Letting go is scary. However, it is the best choice to make, with all the hassle that entails. Why? The past keeps us tied, fear prevents us from making a necessary decision. We fear we feel we have failed. In reality, we have not lost, we have gained something.

We must be strong and aware that regrets and doubts will try to assault our mind to confuse us and make us retrace our steps. Get your courage out, because few things require it as much as letting go.

Let yourself go, get away from the superfluous

Woman unable to let go

Perhaps we do not want to become aware of it : dependence and the fear of moving away from what we are strongly attached to make what, in reality, is superfluous if not useless, appear necessary.

It’s like tidying up your clothes closet. Often it is cluttered with clothes that we should have long ago thrown away, but something inside us keeps us from doing it. It’s hard to get rid of what has been important to us.

Human relationships are fundamental. We are social beings, we need to interact with others. Emotions, however, dominate us and make us suffer, feel happy and worry about others.

Ending a relationship that has lasted years because it doesn’t make us feel good is not as simple as it seems. We are linked to everything we have experienced, which we have gone through together with our partner.

We tend to blame ourselves, but sometimes, even if we try our best, there is no way to keep a relationship going. And what happens when the other person leaves us? Exes are almost always a thorn in the heart.

Enduring the pain of a breakup isn’t easy, and sometimes we secretly want to get back with them. In reality we do not realize that with this attitude we live in a past that will never be present or future.

The fear of letting go

Woman running on the rails

The need to let go collides with the fact that our actions, instead of helping us, backfire on us. Without realizing it, we often let ourselves be guided by negative emotions in making a decision. Emotions that make us take the worst roads.

This is the case of toxic relationships that suffocate us, but from which we cannot get out. In a completely unconscious way, perhaps we need them to feed our anger or we use the situation to feel victims.

When a situation makes you uneasy, when you have not been happy for a long time, try to understand if it is a simple fear of letting go. There is a kind of addiction to painful experiences, those that “hook us” and prevent us from seeing the positive aspects of life. Getting out of this vicious circle is possible.

Letting go is a liberating gesture

Woman looking to the horizon let go

No matter how painful and painful it is, no matter how overwhelmed our mind is with regret, letting go is an act that sets you free. To eliminate any doubts, try to reflect on these aspects:

  • Don’t be afraid of loneliness. In reality we are never alone, but we feel that way because we have broken the bond with a person who filled a large part of our life. There are many things waiting for you, the feeling of being alone will not last long.
  • Letting go doesn’t mean you stop loving. Not holding a person by our side out of pure selfishness is a demonstration of love. In fact, loving does not mean possessing.
  • You have not failed, you have learned. All the stages of life that begin and end hide a teaching. You did not fail and not everything was a mistake. Instead, it was an opportunity to grow, mature.
  • Nobody is responsible for our happiness. Sometimes we believe it, but it is a serious mistake on our part. Do not put your happiness in the hands of others, otherwise, when they walk away, you will feel empty.

Letting go is a bold but necessary decision. It’s tiring, it’s hard, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be taken. There are times in life when you need to get rid of something or someone in order to move forward.

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