Lose Weight Quickly And Healthily: How To Do It

While we don’t often relate the two, adequate rest is essential for losing weight quickly and avoiding health problems. Try to sleep for more than six consecutive hours a night. 
Losing weight quickly and healthily: how to do it

Losing weight quickly and without putting our health at risk is easier than we think. No weird remedies are needed, no intense gym sessions or eating less than we need.

Losing weight means, first of all, changing habits. It may surprise you, but our lifestyle and our diet are the result of a type of culture and education that we are not always aware of.

Realizing these aspects and being able to change them successfully requires a willpower that not everyone has.

To reduce the consumption of sugar, it would be enough, for example, to stop buying it. To succeed, you will also need to be able to count on the support of your family.

Another aspect we should take into consideration is that a diet shouldn’t be temporary.

To maintain our ideal weight, the best thing to do is to adopt a healthier type of diet every day and not just at certain times of the year when the extra pounds are accumulated.

Eating well is a must, not a temporary option.

Below we will reveal 7 strategies to be able to lose weight quickly but, at the same time, in a healthy way.

How to lose weight quickly and healthily

1. Medical check-up

If you want to lose weight, you should definitely see a doctor

To lose weight while staying healthy, you must first seek medical attention.

Sometimes it is possible that the extra pounds depend on concrete diseases such as, for example, hypothyroidism.

  • When starting any diet, it is important that our doctor informs us of the basic values ​​such as cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure parameters, etc.
  • To lose weight quickly, you need to play sports. In order to avoid unnecessary risks, it is important to discard heart problems or even simple anemias that would make us feel more tired than normal.

Do not have doubts, therefore: undergo a general check-up and, when you can count on your doctor’s ok, start following the advice we will give you to follow.

2. A glass of lukewarm water with lemon as soon as you wake up

We know you are familiar with this simple advice by now. Indeed you probably already put it into practice.

In any case, starting the day with a glass of warm water with lemon is a fantastic way to cleanse the body of toxins, take care of the liver, regulate constipation and prepare our body for a healthy diet.

If you think that the juice of a whole lemon is too much for you, don’t hesitate to reduce the amount according to your tolerance threshold.

This remedy is always very healthy.

3. 10 minutes of exercise before breakfast

10 minutes of exercise can help you lose weight quickly

After taking the glass of lukewarm water with lemon, we will need to do a simple aerobic exercise routine.

  • This is a good time to move your body and thus promote fat loss.
  • Our insulin levels are a little lower than normal and, for this reason, we will get the energy we use to exercise directly from the fat deposits stored in our body.
  • It will be enough to walk 10 minutes a day and change the type of physical activity we practice daily: push-ups, squats, dance and even yoga if you prefer.

4. Oats for breakfast

Oats are one of the best foods to start the day. It is important to never skip breakfast and it is essential that this first meal of the day is varied and balanced.

  • To lose weight fast, the last thing we need to do is skip meals. In this case we would only get a much slower metabolism, we would have dangerous drops in sugar and we would arrive at the main meals too hungry.
  • A nice cup of oats for breakfast, on the other hand, will offer us a perfect supply of fiber and minerals (such as iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and folic acid). Similarly, thanks to omega 6 fatty acids or linoleic acid, we will be able to regulate cholesterol.

5. Take natural foods and eliminate processed ones

To lose weight quickly but in a healthy way, you need to eat natural foods

This advice is, without a doubt, the most difficult one to follow. It is because it implies a number of things:

  • Always eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid all types of sweets, salt, refined flours, snacks or pickles.
  • Replace white bread with whole grain bread.
  • Pasta and rice must be strictly wholemeal.
  • Limit sauces like mayonnaise, ketchup, spreadable cheeses, etc.
  • Forget about fizzy drinks, as well as bottled juices: only drink natural drinks.

6. Exercise divided into two half-hour sessions

To lose weight quickly, we need to be physically active. Well, instead of getting tired in a half hour session, the ideal thing is to divide our exercise program into two different times of the day:

  • As soon as you wake up a 10 minute session.
  • At noon a 20 minute exercise routine (if they are of high intensity the effect will be better).
  • In the afternoon, thus avoiding the hottest hours, the ideal would be to go for a walk or run. Half an hour will be enough.

7. Attention, it is necessary to sleep more than 6 hours a night

A good rest helps you lose weight quickly

It may be that more than one person is surprised by this finding, but  getting less than 6 hours of sleep promotes overweight  and increases the risk of diabetes.

If you suffer from chronic insomnia, seek with your doctor a strategy to achieve deep and restorative rest.

Sleeping between 7 and 8 hours allows the body to carry out the basic purification functions to take care of the metabolism and thus promote faster weight loss.

Put these tips into practice. Sometimes it is enough to lead a healthy life to lose the extra pounds.

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