Low Calorie Smoothies

In addition to having a low calorie content, these natural smoothies are able to satiate us and provide us with an extra energy that we will need to carry out our daily activities.
Low calorie smoothies

Smoothies are healthy drinks that have enjoyed great popularity for some years now. Without a doubt, it is one of the simplest ways to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. In this article, we introduce you to 5 low calorie smoothies.

There is a considerable variety of recipes, designed for all tastes and needs. Many are designed for weight loss, since they are low in calories and increase the feeling of satiety.

Just like in many other weight loss recipes, the secret is knowing how to select the right ingredients, low in fat and carbohydrates and rich in water and antioxidants.

Here are 5 interesting low calorie smoothie recipes: don’t hesitate to add them to your diet, especially when you’re suddenly hungry. Try them!

Low calorie smoothies

1. Pineapple, apple and orange smoothie

Pineapple smoothies

This smoothie has very few calories. Thanks to its combination of ingredients, it also provides a significant supply of dietary fiber, antioxidants and enzymes that facilitate digestion and metabolism.


  • Pineapple
  • Apple
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice (100 ml)


  1. Cut 3 slices of pineapple into cubes.
  2. Cut an apple without removing the peel.
  3. Put the cut fruit in the glass of the blender and blend it with half a glass of orange juice.

Mode of consumption

Drink the smoothie mid-morning or when you feel like eating. Consume it up to twice a day.

2. Pomegranate and strawberry smoothie

If your goal is to lose weight and strengthen your immune system, this pomegranate and strawberry smoothie is for you. With only 160 calories, it is a satiating drink that provides large doses of vitamin C and antioxidants.


  • Pomegranate juice (100 ml)
  • Frozen strawberries (80 g)
  • Natural yogurt (100 g)


  1. Blend all the ingredients for a couple of minutes.
  2. When you have a lump-free drink, serve it instantly.

Mode of consumption

Drink the smoothie mid-morning or as a snack.

3. Low calorie smoothies: strawberry and banana

Strawberry-based smoothie

The antioxidants of the strawberry combine with the natural sugars of the banana to offer us an energy smoothie, low in calories and ideal for calming hunger in times of anxiety.

Its significant contribution of fiber helps to regulate digestion and has a positive effect on cholesterol control.


  • Strawberries (80 g)
  • Ripe banana
  • Almond milk (125 ml)


  • Put the strawberries and banana in the blender glass.
  • Add the almond milk and blend on medium speed for 2 or 3 minutes.

Mode of consumption

Drink the freshly made smoothie during breakfast or mid-morning.

4. Pineapple, banana and spinach smoothie

This tropical green smoothie contains moderate amounts of protein and energy substances that help fight morning fatigue. It is perfect for improving sports performance and curbing food anxiety.


  • Pineapple
  • Ripe banana
  • Spinach
  • Almond milk (200 ml)
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  1. Cut two slices of ripe pineapple into cubes.
  2. Put them in the blender and add 6 spinach leaves and almond milk.
  3. Blend everything for 2 or 3 minutes, until you get a smooth drink.
  4. Serve with ice to taste.

Mode of consumption

Drink the smoothie in the middle of the afternoon when you feel like eating something.

2. Watermelon, strawberry and lemon smoothie

Watermelon smoothie among low calorie smoothies

The ingredients we mix in this natural smoothie are powerful moisturizers that help refresh the body. Their antioxidants protect cells and promote the elimination of toxins.

They cause a mild diuretic effect which, among other consequences, encourages the expulsion of retained fluids, in order to avoid inflammatory imbalances.


  • Slices of peeled watermelon
  • Strawberries (80 g)
  • Water (200 ml)
  • Lemon juice (30 ml)


  1. Cut 2 slices of watermelon into cubes.
  2. Wash the strawberries and chop them.
  3. Put everything in the blender, adding the water and lemon juice.
  4. Blend for 2 minutes, until all the ingredients are well blended.

Mode of consumption

Drink the smoothie mid-morning or when you want to cool off. Consume it up to twice a day to hydrate yourself.

What are you waiting for to prepare these low calorie smoothies too? As you can see, these are very simple and, above all, healthy recipes. Choose the one you like best and include it in your diet.

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