Melatonin: A Powerful Natural Remedy

Melatonin is a hormone that is segregated from our body only in the dark. This is why it is important to sleep regularly at night.
Melatonin: a powerful natural remedy

Melatonin is a natural hormone that secretes our body and has countless functions to ensure a correct lifestyle: it coordinates and regulates biological rhythms, takes part in numerous neuroendocrine and neurophysiological processes, stimulates our immune system …

Furthermore, it is the most powerful endogenous antioxidant known, with countless therapeutic applications. The pineal gland is responsible for the production of melatonin in our body.

It is a well-known gland already in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, which was usually called “the seat of the soul”  and in which it was believed that psychic and somatic processes were activated. It was not wrong: in fact, the pineal gland controls all the neuroendocrine centers of the hypothalamus.

Melatonin is therefore a hormone with wonderful properties, which the body secretes only at night and which we can also find in many of the foods we usually ingest. First of all, let’s see, however, what are all its interesting positive aspects.

Promotes sleep

Its calming action regulates biological cycles. For example, exogenous administration has been shown to induce drowsiness at the time of administration in cases of insomnia.


The property of melatonin to keep tissues in good condition and to protect us from free radicals is certainly greater than that of any other endogenous or exogenous element, even superior to those of glutathione and vitamin E. For this reason, many researches are underway. are focused on finding possible treatments for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Protects the immune system

Thanks to its properties it defends us better from stressful situations and viral diseases, the passage of time and aging. We can therefore benefit from all its properties if we maintain a good level of melatonin through a healthy life and proper nutrition.

Regulates emotional disturbances

Regulates emotional disturbances, especially in people who have problems caused by climate and seasonal changes. In the case of menopausal women it is very important to regulate melatonin levels, as it is common to suffer from insomnia and mood swings during this phase of life.

By optimally regulating your melatonin level, you will undoubtedly improve your rest and your emotional balance.

Helps to lose weight and produces “good fats”

Some scholars have found that melatonin actually regulates weight gain, since it stimulates the appearance of “beige fat”, which is a type of fat cell that burns calories instead of storing them.

Unlike white adipose tissue, which stores calories and causes weight gain, beige fat (also known as “good fat” or “slimming fat”) helps regulate weight control and therefore its benefits. metabolic.

What foods can you find melatonin in?

cherries are a natural source of melatonin
  • Cherries : natural source of melatonin, as well as vitamins A, C and E.
  • Walnuts : habitual consumption, for example in the morning, considerably increases the level of melatonin. From 1 g of walnuts 3.4 ng of this hormone are obtained.
  • Mustard : in addition to being perfect for a weight loss diet, it contains a decent level of melatonin.
  • Almonds : ideal source of energy, it also contains this important hormone.
  • Bananas : excellent source of potassium, which, in addition to being ideal for our health, provides us with an adequate amount of melatonin perfect to act as a natural calming.
  • Goji Berries : They also possess a high content of carotene, providing excellent antioxidant properties. They also contain essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid which promotes fat loss. We warmly recommend them.
  • Tomatoes : tomatoes are not limited to having a diuretic and antioxidant effect and to eliminate uric acid and cholesterol, but they are also an established source of melatonin. which we can benefit from in a natural way. Don’t hesitate to include them in your diet.

As you already know, melatonin is a hormone that the body secretes only in the dark and therefore you must not neglect your rest. Relax and let your body function regularly, always helping it with a proper diet. It is a fantastic ally for our health, so don’t forget about it.

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