More Organized And Orderly House: 7 Tips

Even if we sometimes feel comfortable in disorder, being more organized is also an advantage from a psychological point of view, because it transmits calm and allows us to think better.
More organized and tidy home: 7 tips

Clutter is more than a bunch of things stacked in a corner. It is a philosophy of life, which can often lead to confusion and stress. For this reason, today we give you some tips on how to have a more organized home. Of course you can apply them to any environment, for example in the office.

Clutter is a habit

For some, clutter is an advantage because it means hours of work saved. There are also those who, in disorganization, manage to find everything more easily.

However, to have a more organized home, to live better with your  family and be more efficient, the best thing is to put the objects in their place.

Our mind needs order in order to think better. With a table or desk filled with paper, books and folders, it is easier to lose focus or not pay due attention to what you are doing.

Being organized at home or in the office has many advantages. Ultimately, it is a question of changing our habits, our attitude which requires effort and time, but which is not without rewards.

What could be more pleasant than returning to the house and finding everything in order, having guests and not having to cram objects into the wardrobe, or relaxing on the sofa without our eyes having to rest on dozens of stacked or forgotten objects. in a corner?

Order takes time, it is undeniable. Once we have acquired this habit, however, we will be able to be more organized in any context. And also, free ourselves from tension and feel less stressed.

Tips for a more organized home

Next weekend, take two hours of your time to tidy up the house. It will look like new. You will obviously have to cultivate this habit over time, but when you see the difference, you won’t have that little effort to keep everything in order.

1. Start with a room

Woman tidies up toys

For a more organized home, you can’t think of tidying up all the rooms in a single day.

Start with a room, for example the living room. It is generally the first space we see upon entering the house (or the kitchen, depending on the layout of the rooms).

  • Start by picking up objects that are out of context and put them back in their place.
  • Just bring things from other environments back to the right room. You will take care of it when you put the next space in order.

2. A place for everything

The kitchen should only accommodate utensils and food; the library, however, books and magazines; the wardrobe, clothes and shoes. Establishing a specific place for each item will help you find it much easier.

If you are looking for the jacket, it is best to find it on the coat rack, not on the sofa! This saves us enough time when we’re in a hurry and can’t find what we need.

3. A strategy for each environment

Clutter in the office

Develop an action plan for each environment. For example, immediately bring the dirty clothes into the basket and load the washing machine; immediately arrange clean or ironed linen in the wardrobe; organize separate collection; tidy up the shelves and the bed, etc.

Following an order for each room, in fact, facilitates the work. Don’t forget that being organized requires a certain strategy. That way, you won’t spend every weekend tidying up.

4. Throw away what you no longer need

Surely you too will have several items in the house that you no longer need, because they have become too old or because, for one reason or another, they have ceased to be useful to you.

The time has come to throw them away, have them repaired or give them away.

Accumulating useless objects is the first enemy of an organized home; in fact, everything we don’t use no longer has a specific place to be stored and ends up on a chair, in a corner, on the ground.

5. Clean as soon as you get dirty

Messy bedroom

One of the rules for a tidier home should be: “put back the objects you use, wash what you dirty”. This rule applies to all family members.

When your home is clean and tidy, keeping it in this ideal state can be difficult. It is simply a matter of changing our habits. It will become easier if we become aware of the benefits that are gained from the organization.

6. Use containers or filing cabinets

Many times in the house we have objects that we do not want to throw away or donate, because they have a sentimental value or because they could come in handy one day.

A good way to keep them from getting in your way is to put them in a container, a decorated box or a carton.

Don’t forget to put a label on it – it will help you remember what it contains. At this point, you can place it under the bed, on the wardrobe, in the garage or on a shelf.

7. Buy some furniture

Couple fixes a new sofa

Perhaps the clutter is due to the fact that you don’t have enough furniture to store items.

This does not mean that you have to fill the house with furniture or that new shelves are the perfect justification for buying useless items. In many cases, however, a bookcase or shoe cabinet solves the situation, avoiding us to pile up or leave everything in plain sight.

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