Natural Antiseptics, The 8 Best For The Skin

Natural antiseptics, the 8 best for the skin

The skin is the largest organ we have and therefore the one most exposed to numerous factors that can alter it, infect it or cause various problems. There are many remedies to keep skin healthy, smooth and free from infection. Let’s find out together the best natural antiseptics for the skin.

Homemade remedies are an excellent alternative to take care of the skin and to prevent many problems that can damage it.

The skin is often exposed to many microorganisms that are found in the environment around us and on all surfaces.

When we have small wounds on the skin and don’t treat them properly, they become the gateway for microorganisms, which later trigger both internal and external infections.

One way to avoid infections and heal small skin wounds is to use natural antiseptics, which have a powerful action against germs and prevent them from growing.

Natural antiseptics # 1: garlic

natural antiseptic garlic

This highly medicinal ingredient is one of the best natural antiseptics there is. Garlic can fight any type of infection. The consumption of garlic is recommended to fight respiratory infections, to heal wounds and to fight nail fungus or other types of infections.

Natural antiseptics # 2: echinacea

Echinacea root is often recommended to treat foot injuries and to fight infections. One of the best ways to take it is to make an infusion, which is left to rest and then applied directly to the injured area.

Natural antiseptics # 3: bee honey

Spilled honey

Honey has become very popular as one of the best natural antiseptics in the world. This powerful ingredient has restorative, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can fight infections and regenerate the skin.

Honey is often used in various beauty treatments for the skin, as it makes it soft and smooth, prevents infections and deeply hydrates it. To take advantage of all its benefits, prepare a mix of honey and lemon to apply on the skin lesion with the help of a gauze.

Natural antiseptics # 4: propolis

Propolis is a resin used by bees to fill the cracks in the hive and thus prevent the entry of “intruders”.  It is made up of vitamins, minerals and a large amount of bioflavonoids which make it a powerful natural antibiotic and antiseptic  capable of healing skin wounds and alleviating stomach ulcers.

Natural antiseptics # 5: thyme

thyme natural antiseptics

The antiseptic power of thyme has been exploited for millennia. Already the ancient Egyptians used to burn thyme to purify the air and eliminate microorganisms. Nowadays, this plant is used to treat skin wounds and infections of internal organs such as, for example, the bronchi and intestines.

We advise you to prepare an infusion of thyme and drink two cups a day. In case of external use, however, submerge some cotton in an infusion of thyme and apply directly to the wound.

Natural antiseptics # 6: onion

Like garlic, onion is also a powerful natural antiseptic that can fight and eliminate various types of viruses, bacteria and fungi. There are various treatments for external use to cure and prevent skin infections. For example, you can grill it, boil it or use it raw and apply it to skin wounds.

At first, you may feel a slight burning sensation, but you will see that with its effectiveness you will get great results.

Natural antiseptics # 7: lavender

lavender relaxation

Lavender is used for its delicious scent and relaxing properties, which are very useful in times of stress or tension. Few people know that lavender also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can heal skin infections and wounds.

You can use lavender essential oil or make an infusion with this plant. Use it as a compress or directly on damaged skin.

Natural antiseptics # 8: carrot

This antioxidant-rich food can be used for many skin treatments due to its fantastic properties. Carrot is very effective for disinfecting wounds and preventing infections.

Prepare a cream by chopping a boiled carrot and apply it on the affected area.

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