Natural Drinks For Weight Loss: 4 Delicious Recipes

These delicious natural drinks are ideal for speeding up your metabolism and losing weight naturally.
Natural drinks for weight loss: 4 delicious recipes

Here are some natural drinks for cold or hot days, but always light and natural to help you lose weight in a healthy way.

These drinks are ideal for hydrating every day, for burning fat, speeding up metabolism and eliminating fluids. In this article we explain how to prepare these delicious natural drinks with a unique flavor quickly and easily .

Natural drinks for weight loss: lemonade with ginger and stevia

Lemon is a purifying citrus fruit that you should consume every day, not only for its high content of vitamin C, essential for health, but also because it improves the assimilation and elimination of fats.

Ginger, on the other hand, has the ability to increase metabolism, thus helping to achieve greater and better results in weight loss diets.

Finally, you must add a few drops of stevia extract to this lemonade because it is the most natural and healthful sweetener that exists and because it regulates glucose levels, avoiding the sudden urge to eat something sweet.

The proportions are as follows:

  • half a lemon squeezed
  • a glass of water (200 ml)
  • a pinch of powdered ginger
  • a few drops of stevia extract

This drink can be drunk both cold and hot.

Ginger infusion

Natural drinks for weight loss: watermelon and mint smoothie

We chose the watermelon because it is one of the lightest fruits that exist. Its high water and fiber content makes it a satiating and refreshing food that you won’t even need to sweeten due to its natural sweet flavor.

Fresh mint, on the other hand, gives this drink a delicious and even more refreshing flavor, as well as having digestive properties, especially for fatty foods, which help you lose weight.

To prepare this drink, blend the watermelon with the fresh mint leaves. You can also leave the watermelon seeds as they also have health benefits.

Natural Watermelon Drinks

Drink with spices

Let’s move from refreshing drinks to warm and comforting ones. In this case you need a basic drink which can be vegetable milk (for example oat or rice) or apple juice.

You have to boil the drink of your choice for about 20 minutes along with a selection of spices, all those with greater medicinal properties and excellent flavor.

These spices will warm you up, speed up your body’s metabolism and also help regulate your glucose levels and avoid moments of unexpected hunger.

The spices recommended to prepare a liter of drink are:

  • a slice of fresh ginger
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 5 cardamom seeds
  • 3 star anise
  • a teaspoon of turmeric powder (8 g)

This drink almost becomes a medicinal syrup, which is why you won’t need to drink more than one glass a day.


Broth with sea water

Here is another drink for cold days, in this case to help eliminate excess fluids from the body since in many cases you do not suffer from excess fat, but rather you are bloated.

The secret of this simple broth lies in sea water, sold in health food stores, natural shops and in more and more supermarkets. Seawater will allow you to avoid common salt, which causes your own water retention, and will promote adequate kidney function. In addition, it has laxative effects, ideal for fighting constipation.

For the broth, use only garlic, onion and celery, three very purifying vegetables that also favor the elimination of liquids among other numerous properties they possess. If you drink a liter of this drink for several days, you will notice how you will deflate, as well as the improvement of the skin condition.

Ingredients for one day:

  • 1 liter of water
  • a glass of sea water (200 ml)
  • a stick of celery
  • an onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic

Boil the ingredients for 20 minutes and drink the cooking water on an empty stomach and just before each meal.

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