Natural Vanilla Perfume, Here’s How To Prepare It

Vanilla helps us to improve the mood, so it is indicated in cases of depressive noise. It helps us sleep and also acts as a mosquito repellent.
Natural vanilla scent, here's how to prepare it

Vanilla has a delicious aroma and for this reason it is often used in the kitchen to flavor and flavor various dishes, especially desserts. Today we explain how to enjoy all its benefits by preparing a natural homemade vanilla perfume.

Benefits of vanilla aroma

The exquisite and sweet aroma of vanilla fills us with energy the instant we feel it; likewise, it greatly improves our mood, as it helps to calm anxiety.

In fact, vanilla-based fragrances are recommended for people suffering from depression.  

The vanilla scent helps you rest more easily, because it has a sedative effect  which also avoids insomnia caused by stress. It should also be taken into account that it can be of great help in keeping mosquitoes away, as it is a great natural repellent.

Prepare the natural vanilla perfume

natural vanilla scent


  • A glass bowl with a lid
  • A container for perfume
  • A knife
  • A coffee filter
  • Alcohol 70%
  • Four or five vanilla pods
  • Twenty drops of jojoba or sweet almond oil

Method of preparation

Actually preparing the natural vanilla perfume is very simple.

First you need to open the vanilla pods in half. Then scrape them by removing all the contents inside that you will put in a glass container. You can also use what remains of the pods that you have to cut into very small pieces.

Then pour in enough alcohol to completely cover the pods ; close the container and leave it in a warm, dry place for about six weeks.

During this time, once a week you have to remove the cap and move everything well and then close the container again. After six weeks, open the container and filter the liquid using one or two coffee filters. 

When the preparation is completely filtered, you can place it in the container for the perfume you have available and add a few drops of the chosen oil (the oil allows the perfume to last longer on our skin).

You have to keep the perfume in a cool and dry place. It can last several months, during which it will lose its fragrance, therefore, you must try to consume it before four months pass.

What are you waiting for? Are you ready to prepare your vanilla perfume?

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