Negative Thoughts: 4 Attitudes To Avoid

To avoid getting stuck in negative thoughts, you have to start getting rid of all those attitudes and behaviors that, instead of helping you, do nothing but drag you more and more into unhappiness.
Negative thoughts: 4 attitudes to avoid

To solve a problem we must first be aware that we have it. We need to be honest with ourselves and know our limits. Frustration, inferiority complexes, unresolved conflicts, resentment and envy are attitudes that keep us tied to  negative thoughts.

It is very important to get rid of this psychological burden and stop complicating our life with destructive thoughts that are not good for us. On some occasions, life already gives enough trouble and pain to become embittered with other  negative thoughts. 

Attitudes that cause negative thoughts

1. The grudge

An ancient Eastern proverb says: Having a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other to die. Hate and resentment are self-destructive. They turn us into suspicious and grumpy people. Furthermore, when we feed these negative thoughts, fears and consequently unhappiness also grow.

Living with thoughts of revenge causes us to be in a state of continual uneasiness and frustration. Without a doubt,  the best option is to learn to move on and continue living without this burden. 

And this is only possible if we forgive with the heart and feel at peace with ourselves.

Feeling that everyone owes us something or that the world is guilty of our unhappiness means living with a blindfold. Our situation depends only on us and sticking to the past is neither practical nor positive.

Angry couple

2. The sense of guilt

We all know that to err is human. However, there are mistakes that, whether by gravity or intentionality, or by the irreversible evil that rage against others, are difficult to forgive. A betrayal, an involuntary car accident, a bad decision that makes us lose money, etc., can cause us to develop a very strong sense of guilt.

These negative thoughts  affect and sadden us to the point that they can cause us to become depressed. 

We need to understand that we cannot go back in time and accept the cause of our pain. We all deserve a second chance.

3. Envy and jealousy

Envy is one of the psychological traits that keep us chained to negative thoughts. It is an aspect of the personality that initially manifests itself  in small details that may seem imperceptible. Over time, if we nurture this kind of attitude, we turn into mean, greedy, restless and doubtful people.

One envies a dress, a house, a social or economic position, beauty, the lovable character of one’s neighbor, etc. There is no common logic for this kind of thinking. Therefore, it  is our choice to live influenced by them.

Jealousy also fosters thoughts that cause angry and aggressive attitudes. The feeling of possession, the inferiority complex or the authoritarian or male character are dangerous attitudes that we must neither nurture nor allow.

Couple argument caused by negative thoughts

4. Underestimation

Having low self-esteem in certain aspects or qualities causes self-destructive thoughts. We need to apply common sense and understand that  each person has a talent, trait or specialty that makes them unique. 

An attitude that brings us closer to negative thoughts is to idealize the lives of others. There is no reason to believe that anyone is superior to us.

Cultured people are no better than others. Even money doesn’t make us better people.

Thinking that others have no problems, dreaming of being like them and desiring their lifestyle  leads us to underestimate ourselves even imperceptibly and brings us closer to unhappiness. 

And, in the end, it turns out to be contemptuous of our life. Underestimation is as harmful as its opposite, pride.

A vital attitude

Therefore, as a conclusion,  we must try to be positive and have a vital attitude. Do not judge or think badly of someone, but neither do they idealize them, as each person has their own problems and reasons for behaving in certain ways.

It is best not to isolate yourself and share our feelings and thoughts with trusted friends. We need to learn to deal with life’s frustrations and mistakes.

Sometimes,  an active and sociable lifestyle will help us avoid negative thoughts. 

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