Partridge In White Wine: An Exquisite Alternative

Partridge meat, in addition to being healthy, contains more protein and less fat than other types of meat.
Partridge in white wine: an exquisite alternative

Are you looking for an alternative to the usual dishes? The protagonist of today’s recipe is a different meat than usual. Partridge in white wine is a good dish to include in your diet.

It is a classic preparation of Toledo, Spain, and is prepared with another typical ingredient of its gastronomy: wine.

Here is the recipe for  partridge in white wine. 

Partridge in white wine: origins of the recipe

The homeland of this recipe is Toledo, a Spanish town also famous for its wines. If you love the gastronomy of this country, then you will find our proposal irresistible.

What are the benefits of this type of meat? First of all, it is known that “white” meats have a lower fat content than others. They are, in general, more recommended for what refers to triglycerides, cholesterol and additives.

The partridge in wine or any other variant is, therefore, a healthy and nutritious choice especially if you use fresh and good quality ingredients.

Find out how to prepare partridge with wine

Raw partridge meat
To prepare this dish, choose simple and nutritious ingredients

But first take these tips into account:

Our food choices are not just a matter of survival, they are also choices of responsibility. Not taking into account the quality of the food we eat increases the risk of some diseases. It is our body that first suffers the consequences of bad habits.

To prevent disease and start eating a healthier diet, follow these tips: they don’t require too much effort.

1. Eat less red meat

This type of meat is certainly high in protein. However, during the process of breeding, selection, preparation of the meat and distribution to the consumer, it comes into contact with too many additives and pathogens that worsen its quality.

Low quality food ultimately equates to poorer quality of health. I therefore recommend limiting it to only once a week.

2. Use olive oil

Whenever you need to prepare a sauté or fry meat, choose olive oil. It is one of the healthiest, most nutritious and, moreover, best withstands high temperatures. 

Partridge in wine: preparation

Partridge with wine in a pan
For this recipe we combine the pan and oven cooking method


  • 1 partridge without skin and bones (about half a kilo)
  • 2 small onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 5 bay leaves
  • ground black pepper
  • 2 or 3 potatoes
  • 1 cup of white wine (250 ml)
  • 4 cups of water (1 l)
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 1 cup of vegetable stock (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • partridge and chicken livers (for the sauce)


  • First cut the partridge into pieces, size of the pieces to your taste. Wash them and set them aside.
  • Then peel the onions and cut them into thin slices. Keep the skins.
  • Place the onion and the meat in a saucepan with water. Season with minced garlic, bay leaf, pepper and salt.
  • Don’t forget the white wine: pour it into the pot and close with a lid. Continue cooking for 30 minutes.
  • After this time, lower the heat and continue to cook until the cooking liquid is reduced. The fifth part of the initial liquid will be sufficient.
  • Remove the partridge pieces, then place them in another container and season with salt and aromatic herbs.
  • Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 90 °. Arrange the potatoes next to them, but in a separate pan, without peeling them.
  • After this time, remove from the oven. Let the potatoes cool and peel them. Prepare a lump-free puree with the vegetable broth.
  • To finish, prepare a sauce with which you will season the partridge meat. Use: white wine, salt, chilli, onion skin and partridge and chicken livers. Blend everything and season with salt.
  • When serving the meat, heat the sauce with which to accompany your delicious partridge with wine.

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