Playing Outdoors, Why Is It Important?

Playing outdoors is one of the best activities for a healthy growth of children. Walking, running and exploring nature favors their development.
Playing outdoors, why is it important?

Play is essential in every child’s life, but those who live in big cities, unfortunately, don’t always have the opportunity to play outdoors. And this represents a serious problem in the context of their mental and physical evolution.

Children spend most of their free time in front of the television, playing video games or watching videos on the internet. These are all tricks that allow parents, often overworked, to keep their children busy without having to follow them every moment. The afternoons spent with mum and dad  playing in the open air  are a real mirage for many of them.

In addition to the lack of contact with nature, dependence on electronic devices increases, with a dangerous reduction in the hours of exposure to the sun and fresh air. Although it can be difficult to find a green area equipped for the little ones of the house, parents have a responsibility to take children out and play outside, away from a computer or tablet screen.

The deficit disorder of nature

Kids on the lawn with a kite

The lack of contact with nature, typical in 21st century adults and children, has led psychologists to talk about the existence of nature deficit disorder. This problem is associated with a lack of concentration and hyperactivity, therefore also with obesity, depression and anxiety.

To remedy this ailment is very simple: it is enough to encourage the recovery of contact with the environment and animals. The simple act of breathing fresh air, rolling around on the lawn, running through the trees, smelling the scent of flowers or appreciating the flight of birds are fundamental experiences in children’s lives.

Playing outdoors allows them to reconnect with nature, bringing out a renewed tranquility, very different and far from the hyper-connectivity of electronic devices and online games that can cause stress, anxiety and frustration. A more serene and real free time improves their ability to concentrate and attention, fundamental elements for managing school responsibilities.

Playing outdoors is good for all ages

There are no age limits to play outdoors , on the contrary, the sooner your children get used to it, the sooner this strong and healthy need will arise in them. Contact with nature improves the psycho-physical well-being of babies, children and adolescents, as well as adults. Even when asleep in his crib, even a newborn baby benefits from natural air and sunlight.

These pleasant sensations will be recorded forever in the memory of the little ones. As children grow up, they will enjoy playing outdoors more and more because they can have fun in an environment that they consider new and full of surprises and things to see.

Nature offers them new opportunities for discovery and learning, hardly comparable to the computer dizziness offered by the internet or online games. And parents too, in turn, will benefit from contact with nature. An afternoon spent in the park is the best antidote to stress, promotes mental rest and offers a further opportunity for aggregation and sharing with the whole family.

The benefits of playing outdoors

Playing outdoors is good for babies, children and teenagers. Of course, you will have to follow them and prevent them from getting hurt or causing any accidents. If you take them to have fun in a very large park, on a beach or in the countryside, you will have to be careful not to get lost.

  • Even when supervised by mum and dad, children experience a genuine sense of freedom, very different from playing inside a house.
  • Playing outdoors improves physical development. Running, jumping and playing sports will allow them to develop new skills.
  • The extra physical activity allows them to release energy and tension, so they will go home much more relaxed and sleep better.
  • It is also possible to prevent childhood obesity, as the hours spent in the sun allow you to burn many more calories, in a natural and healthy way.
  • Playing outdoors fuels imagination and creativity. Your children will invent new games and create special places, hiding places and magical items to experience their adventures.
  • Contact with nature strengthens the immune system. They will become more resistant to all types of bacteria and dust.
  • They will learn to adapt to various weather conditions, with sun, rain and wind.
  • Contact with the sun is essential for the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, which strengthens their growing bones.
  • They will get to know and play with new children, improving socialization skills. They will learn to interact, communicate and manage emotions and conflicts that can always arise.

If you already have teenagers, enrolling them in a summer course at a campsite, at the seaside or in the mountains will help them regain contact with nature and take responsibility.

It's good to play outdoors


Playing outdoors offers an excellent opportunity to enjoy family time. Parents and children, including the extended family which includes grandparents, uncles, and cousins, benefit from gatherings in the shade of a tree, by a river current, or at a campsite on a mountainside.

Organize family excursions to allow the little ones of the house to rediscover nature and share precious moments with loved ones. You will all gain from a physical and mental point of view.

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