Preventing Coronavirus Infection

Coronavirus infection is alarming the world. In this article, we report some of the basic measures to reduce the risk of infection.
Prevent Coronavirus contagion

In recent weeks, our country, together with the rest of the world, has been on the alert for the growing cases of people infected with Coronavirus and, above all, for the fatal outcome of several cases. For this reason, in this article we report some of the measures useful to prevent Coronavirus contagion.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses of unknown origin. There are different types of Coronavirus, which cause symptoms starting from the common flu to pneumonia and, in the most severe form, respiratory failure.

In December 2019, the first cases of infection with a new type of Coronavirus were found in the city of Wuhan, China. Since then, contagion from infected to healthy has led to a drastic increase in cases.

Currently, more than 118,223 people are infected worldwide and about 4,291 have died from the virus. Although the number of people infected with Coronavirus is quite high, mortality linked to this virus is currently low.

What are the symptoms?

Woman blowing her nose
Symptoms caused by coronavirus infection are similar to those of a common flu. However, it can also lead to serious complications such as respiratory failure.

Coronavirus infection typically produces symptoms similar to those of a common flu picture. Among them, we can find the following:

  • Stuffed nose.
  • General malaise.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Muscular pain.
  • Cough.
  • A runny nose
  • Fever and chills.
  • Sore throat and headache.

The infection can occur asymptomatically, with the onset of the above symptoms, or even with complications, such as pneumonia or respiratory failure in the most severe cases.

The most severe cases typically occur among the most vulnerable population. The latter is made up of the elderly, infants or people with a depressed immune system.

How does the infection happen?

One of the main reasons for the alarm is that the virus spreads from person to person, even before the infected person manifests any symptoms.

At the moment there is no specific treatment for the virus, nor is there a vaccine or some measure that guarantees effective protection. In light of this, it is extremely important to take some precautionary measures that hinder, as far as possible, transmission.

Measures to prevent Coronavirus infection

To wash hands
Frequent hand washing is one of the most important measures to prevent Coronavirus infection.

Among the measures useful to prevent infection linked to this and other types of viruses, we find:

  • Avoid close contact with infected people.
  • It is extremely important to take proper hygiene measures. Although hygiene measures in general are important, special attention must be paid to that of the hands.
  • Maintain a distance of about one meter from people.
  • Use masks following the specific instructions of each model, in places with a high incidence of the disease.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissues when sneezing or coughing.

Hand washing to prevent Coronavirus infection

Proper hand washing has been shown to be an effective and cost-effective way to reduce the transmission of viruses and bacteria. Proper hand hygiene should be performed as follows:

  • Wet your hands
  • Apply a sufficient amount of soap.
  • Rub your hands as follows:
    • Rub your palms together.
    • Place the palm of the right hand on the back of the left hand intertwining the fingers and vice versa.
    • Rub your palms together, with your fingers intertwined.
    • Wash the back of the fingers of one hand against the palm of the opposite hand, keeping the fingers together.
    • Wash both thumbs individually.
    • Rub your fingertips.
    • Rinse your hands.
    • Dry your hands with a disposable or clean towel.
    • Use the towel to turn off the tap.

To conclude

As we all know, the situation in our country has reached alarming levels. However, it is important to stay calm and not panic. Also because the action of our health facilities in these cases is rapid and effective. However, it is always advisable to take the precautionary measures outlined here.

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