Seeds For Weight Loss: Which Ones To Include In The Diet

The consumption of certain varieties of seeds can enhance the effects of the weight loss diet. Thanks to their supply of fiber and amino acids, they are suitable for accelerating metabolism.
Seeds for weight loss: which ones to include in the diet

There is a wide variety of seeds to lose weight and to include in your diet. Their consumption is suitable when it comes to fighting excess weight.

Many seeds are attributed “fat burning” properties, as they stimulate metabolic functions, helping to lose weight. Others contain fiber and essential nutrients that have a positive effect on the fundamental processes of losing weight.

They have a very pleasant taste that can be combined with other ingredients. Therefore, they can be easily added to a wide variety of recipes.

Do you know the best seeds for weight loss ? Discover them with us!

Seeds for weight loss to include in the diet

Seeds have been part of the diet of humans since ancient times.

For centuries they have been valued for their energy and nutritional contribution, as they are a source of macronutrients and micronutrients .

In recent years they have become a trend in weight loss diets, as some of their properties promote weight loss.

They are also recommended for health reasons, as they keep high cholesterol in check and prevent diabetes.

1. Chia seeds

Chia seeds in wooden bowl

One of the best varieties of seeds for weight loss are chia seeds, known for their high content of soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as for their antioxidants.

Since they also contain omega 3 and essential amino acids, they  have been categorized as a “super food”.

  • Their regular ingestion speeds up digestion and counteracts constipation. They speed up metabolism and reduce abdominal fat.
  • Thanks to their unsaturated fats, they lower the high levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides .
  • Their caloric content is low and they provide proteins and carbohydrates that help maintain an excellent energy level.

2. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds today are part of the usual diet of many people, as they are  great allies to curb anxiety and overweight .

  • They contain large amounts of vitamin E, an antioxidant nutrient that counteracts the effects of free radicals on the skin.
  • Their supply of B vitamins and minerals  strengthens muscles and reduces fatigue .
  • They offer a light supply of amino acids and carbohydrates, which helps to maintain a good metabolic rate.
  • Their unsaturated fatty acids stimulate cleaning of the arteries and reduce the presence of harmful lipids in the blood.

3. Coriander seeds

Whole and crumbled coriander seeds

Coriander seeds, also known as Chinese parsley, come as small, sour-tasting brown fruits.

Although their ingestion is not as widespread as the previous options, they are great for weight loss and offer multiple medicinal benefits.

  • Their phytonutrients stimulate metabolic activity and regulate blood glucose levels.
  • They contain essential oils that optimize insulin production, a key element in transforming sugars into energy sources.
  • They relieve digestive difficulties and have a purifying effect that helps eliminate toxins retained in the body.

4. Sesame seeds

These seeds are obtained from a perennial plant called  Sesamum indicum , belonging to the Pedaliaceae family .

They are known around the world for their dietary and medical applications, as they control weight and prevent various diseases .

  • Their light intake of niacin calms anxiety and, consequently, curbs the insatiable desire to eat.
  • They contain amino acids that help build muscle mass and improve physical performance.
  • They are a source of dietary fiber that  improve digestion and regulate cholesterol levels.
  • Their antioxidants protect cells against oxidative stress and act in favor of the excretory organs, with the aim of eliminating waste.

5. Flax seeds

Whole and crumbled flax seeds

Although it is a very ancient food, the consumption of flax seeds has grown a lot in recent years.

Their popularity has increased thanks to the advice of some celebrities and leading fitness figures, who have suggested them as allies in weight loss  .

  • They contain important doses of fiber, polyphenols and essential fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the metabolism.
  • Their reduced intake of omega 3  increases the feeling of vitality and improves cardiovascular health,  especially because it reduces cholesterol.
  • They are gentle on the digestive system and their natural gels lubricate the colon to facilitate the expulsion of waste.
  • They give a prolonged satiating effect, which prevents us from eating sweets or unhealthy foods.

Which of these weight loss seeds would you like to try? As you can see, they all offer important benefits.

Choose the variety that you feel is best suited to your body  and don’t hesitate to add them to salads and smoothies.

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