Strawberry Water To Detoxify The Body

There is no need to follow a strict strawberry water diet. You can drink it for breakfast to detoxify the body and enjoy all its properties.
Strawberry water to detoxify the body

In this article we want to talk to you about the importance of having strawberry water for breakfast. Here’s everything you need to know about its benefits and how to prepare it.

Strawberries are not only that seductive gift of nature that often enriches our desserts. This small fruit with an attractive crimson color contains enormous benefits for our body in its heart shape.

It is an excellent food to eliminate harmful substances from the body, it purifies us, nourishes us with its vitamins and antioxidants and, as if this were not enough, it helps us lose weight. Would you like to know more?

The greatest benefits of strawberries are obtained above all through their water, which is incredibly rich in minerals and vitamins. There are those who want to enjoy these properties and make very restrictive diets during which, for three days, only this food is taken.

We advise you not to resort to such extreme diets, you must always maintain a balance; however, we invite you to try strawberry water for the sake of your health. With it you can detoxify the body. We explain how.

Why is it necessary to purify the body?

  • It is amazing how much toxins can accumulate in the body. And you will wonder how they get into our body. Through two ways: one external and the other internal. The first when we receive elements from the environment and from food, the second when our own body creates them by the action of free radicals, intestinal bacteria, parasites,  etc.
  • There comes a time when our “cleansing system”, made up of the liver and kidneys, collapses due to these toxins starting to accumulate, manifesting a series of symptoms.
  • We feel tired, acne appears , we get cold, we are stressed, we have headaches …
  • Consuming strawberry water  will help you to obtain a natural purification, through which the body renews itself, relieving the intense work of the liver and kidneys.

Other benefits of strawberries

strawberries 1
  • Strawberries have great  diuretic, purifying and antioxidant power.
  • They are rich in vitamins A, C and E.
  • They are rich in iron, vitamin K and folic acid.
  • They protect the heart.
  • Strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties ,  so they help us in case of muscle problems or any bone disease.
  • Strawberries contain soluble fiber, which results in a great aid for carbohydrate absorption and helps keep  sugar levels  balanced.
  • They are great for fighting  constipation.

How to prepare and drink strawberry water

strawberry water

The ideal is to drink this strawberry water for breakfast, for at least ten days a month, if you want to purify the body. It is a very simple recipe to prepare, great for the whole family. No sweeteners need to be added, just essential ingredients that act as powerful detoxifiers. The flavor, as you will see, is as refreshing as it is savory.

Ingredients for a glass every morning

  • 5 strawberries
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2 mint leaves


  1. The first thing to do is to wash the ingredients well. It is advisable to immerse them for a few seconds in boiling water, after washing them. Pay attention that the strawberries are in good condition, they must be fresh in order to enjoy their beneficial properties.
  2. Now all you have to do is  blend all the ingredients : strawberries, lemon juice, mint leaves; until a well-homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  3. Now add a glass of water to this mixture and blend  again, so that it all comes together well.
  4. If you add some ice cubes, the drink will be even more pleasant and refreshing.

Who is strawberry water good for?

  • To people with uric acid.
  • To patients with arthritis and rheumatism.
  • For those suffering from hypertension or cardiovascular problems.
  • To those who are anemic, since by increasing the levels of vitamin C, it helps to synthesize iron better.
  • To people with diabetes, hypoglycemia or impaired glucose metabolism.
  • For children and pregnant women, thanks to its high vitamin content.
  • To anyone who wants to cleanse their body, whether they feel tired or swollen

Who can’t drink strawberry water?

Strawberry water is not recommended for all people who suffer from colitis, or irritable colon, or in general who have a delicate intestine.

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