Strengthen Weak Nails With 7 Natural Treatments

Following a balanced diet, along with healthy lifestyle habits and the application of certain remedies, can contribute to strengthening and daily nail care.
Strengthen weak nails with 7 natural treatments

To strengthen weak nails it is necessary to improve your lifestyle habits, especially as regards nutrition, as it plays an important role in the nutrition of the skin, hair and nails .

Most of their structure is made up of a protein known as keratin. However, to grow healthy, they need sufficient consumption of vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as amino acids and minerals.

While many women work hard to keep them healthy and beautiful, there are some factors that inevitably weaken them.

However, the nails can be affected by bacterial infections, fungi and nutritional deficiencies of various types. They can also become brittle due to bad nibbling or excessive use of chemicals.

Either way, the good news is that there are many ways to remedy the damage they suffer from different aggressive factors.

Therefore, today we want to share with you 7 good home remedies with 100% natural ingredients that can effectively nourish and strengthen weak nails .

1. Strengthen weak nails with olive oil

Strengthen weak nails with olive oil

Using natural masks has proven to be an excellent therapy for relieving nail problems and reducing dryness. In fact, olive oil is a perfect ingredient to improve their appearance, in fact it contains essential fatty acids and vitamins that nourish them significantly.


  • ½ cup of olive oil (100 g).


  • First, dip your nails in half a cup of olive oil, then soak them for about 20 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse them off using a mild soap.

2. Strengthen weak nails with almond and egg oil

This simple natural remedy is in fact an important source of antioxidant compounds, vitamins and a significant amount of protein that can improve the condition of the nails.


  • 1 tablespoon of raw egg yolk.
  • ½ teaspoon of almond oil (2.5 g).


  • First of all, mix all the ingredients well in a bowl, then soak your nails with the product for about 30 minutes.

3. Garlic polish to strengthen weak nails

Garlic glaze

This is one of the most popular ingredients for natural nail care and growth. In this sense, the sulphates, which add to its antibiotic and antioxidant qualities, make it one of the best allies to strengthen them and avoid the appearance of fungi or infections.


  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 clear nail polish.


  • First, chop the two garlic cloves well until you get a paste.
  • Then introduce them into the clear glaze.
  • Then, apply one layer every day for a week.

4. Treatment based on mint and chamomile

The properties of mint and chamomile improve the appearance of the nails and relieve common problems such as dryness and weakness.


  • 5 fresh mint leaves.
  • 2 tablespoons of chamomile tea (20 ml).
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml).
  • ½ teaspoon of olive oil (2 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour (20 g).


  • First of all, make a mix with chamomile and mint leaves and add them to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then, let the infusion sit for about 30 minutes.
  • Then, add the olive oil and wheat flour to form a thick dough.
  • Finally, use the product to cover the surface of the nails and let it act for about half an hour.

5. Onion juice

How to make onion juice

Onion juice is an excellent medicine for treating various ailments. However,  one of its little-known benefits is to strengthen brittle nails thanks to its high content of vitamin E, iron and sulfate compounds.


  • 1 medium onion.


  • First, cut a medium onion, chop it in a bowl and cover your nails with the mixture.
  • Then, let it act for at least 10 minutes and then let the product dry in your hands before rinsing.
  • Finally, repeat the treatment up to 3 times a week.

6. Castor oil

It is a very important source of vitamin E, which is necessary for nourishing the nails. Its daily use can fight dryness and brittleness so that they grow healthy.


  • ¼ cup of castor oil (50 ml).
  • 1 cotton ball.


  • First of all, soak a cotton ball in castor oil, then apply it to the surface of the nails with a light massage.

7. Treatment based on beer and olive oil

Vinegar to strengthen weak nails

The combination of the ingredients of this simple treatment  concentrates important nutrients such as vitamins, trace elements and proteins that penetrate the nails to improve their structure.


  • ¼ cup of olive oil (50 ml).
  • ¼ cup of beer (50 ml).


  • Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, add the vinegar and beer and soak your nails for about 15 minutes.


Finally, remember that in addition to applying these remedies, you will have to maintain good lifestyle habits to avoid having weak nails.

On the other hand, you will still need to be consistent in applying these remedies in order to get better results.

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