The Best Fruits To Treat Anemia

In addition to providing us with iron, fruit contains vitamins that help us fix it in the body. Acerola is the one that contains the highest levels of vitamin C and iron: useful for managing anemia.
The best fruits for treating anemia

Everyone can suffer from anemia at some point in their life. Poor eating, heavy periods, a kidney or liver problem … iron deficiency leads to consequences that cannot be ignored.

For example, why not start eating more fruit? Below we explain which is the most suitable for treating anemia .

What fruit should I eat to treat anemia?

fruit salad for anemia

Can fruit be able to make up for the lack of iron? Not entirely, but in reality it is essential to be able to stabilize the body’s iron level. For example, many nutritionists recommend accompanying foods that contain iron with a drop of lemon.

Clams, mussels, spinach, for example. If you add a squeeze of lemon, you can reap even more iron benefits.

Fruit, therefore, stands out as an essential complement to reduce and treat anemia. Nature always offers natural elements from which to get all the nutrients you need.

Fruit not only provides iron, but also vitamins that help stabilize the levels of this mineral salt in the body, helping to make up for its lack. Take note.

1. Oranges and lemons

anemia and mixed citrus

Citrus fruits, rich in vitamin C, are essential foods to make the diet complete. Include orange juice in your breakfast, prepare yourself a nice cup of oats with strawberries, walnuts and almonds, sprinkle your salads with a dash of lemon juice. All of this will improve your anemia.

2. Cherries

It is one of the best medicinal fruits. Are you aware of all their properties? Cherries are digestive, serve to treat constipation and inflammation, provide energy and, most importantly, have a very high dose of iron.

They are magnificent! You can eat them plain or dried, and they are ideal for breakfast or as a mid-day snack to recharge your batteries. Second only to citrus, cherries are great for anemia.

3. Apple and pear smoothie

pear and juice

Healthy, healthy, versatile and curative. Remember the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Almost the same can be said of pears.

But you may not know the great benefits of drinking a delicious apple and pear smoothie. It is ideal for breakfast. Peel apple and pear, put them in the blender and add a glass of water. It will drive you crazy and will be perfect for raising hemoglobin levels in the blood.

4. The acerola

azzeruolo or acerola

Do you know this healing and therapeutic fruit? If this is your first time hearing about it then take notes because alone it stands out as one of the fruits with the highest levels of vitamin C and iron. Acerola is a type of West Indian cherry that is grown in several countries nowadays.

As we have already told you, this fruit has abundant quantities of vitamin C, but also other types of nutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin A, flavonoids and essential mineral salts (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium), indispensable for the body.

How can you take it? You can eat it fresh, in the form of juice or even in the form of compote. It is perfect for treating anemia because it decreases the symptoms of tiredness, stress and fatigue, as well as strengthens the immune system.

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