Treating Tendonitis Naturally: Here’s How

Inflammation of a tendon can cause a lot of discomfort and be disabling. Let’s see together how to treat tendonitis naturally.
Treating tendonitis naturally: here's how

Tendonitis consists mainly of inflammation or swelling of a tendon, or those fibrous structures in our body that bind muscles to bones. Treating tendonitis is essential as it is very painful and largely makes our daily activities difficult.

Although most of the time it is linked to an injury or overload, it can also appear with advancing age, because the tendons lose their original elasticity and degenerations also called “tendinosis” form.

Where does tendonitis appear?

Since tendons are a basic structure of our body and perform the important function of joining muscles to bones, tendonitis can affect any bone structure. However, it must be emphasized that this condition mainly affects the following parts of the body:

  • Elbow
  • Heel (Achilles tendonitis)
  • Wrist
  • Shoulder

What are the causes?

Treating elbow tendonitis
  • Bumps or injuries that directly affect the tendon.
  • Slight bumps or injuries which, following each other several times following a certain activity, end up damaging the tendon.
  • Excessive effort on a certain part of the body to the point of producing an overload
  • Some infection.
  • Rheumatic diseases and even diabetes.
  • Age, as the tendon loses the necessary elasticity.

Symptoms of Tendonitis

  • Pain and inflammation of a certain area, especially when trying to stretch.
  • Severe pain at night.
  • Sometimes the pain of tendonitis can be confused with a sprain or sprain of the bone.

Your doctor should always indicate the exact diagnosis and best treatment. There are specific tests that allow you to identify exactly whether the pain you have is due to tendonitis or not. However, it is good to know how to prevent certain diseases or injuries that could later affect your quality of life.

Below, we propose some simple remedies with which to treat tendonitis in a natural way. These are techniques you can use to relieve pain and better nourish your body, with the aim of keeping your tendons strong and elastic.

Treating tendonitis from the outside


1. Rest of the affected area

It is important that the inflamed area of ​​your body, be it the shoulder, wrist or heel, is immobilized for a few days so that the movement does not further damage the injured tendon.

Sometimes doctors can put the cast on, but it won’t be necessary if you are keeping the area at rest and not doing any kind of activity that could damage it.

2. Application of cold and heat

Applying ice packs to the affected area is ideal for reducing inflammation, especially if you alternate them with hot packs (without burning yourself). In addition, you can apply dressings with chamomile infusions, indicated to reduce inflammation.

3. Aloe vera

Excellent regenerating, it relieves inflammation and is ideal for treating tendonitis naturally. You can use two or three leaves of the plant, extract the juice and mix it with half a glass of boiling water, until you get a kind of hot pap.

Place the mixture obtained in a compress and apply it, subsequently, on the area affected by tendonitis, covering it with a bandage.

4. Salt and vinegar baths

Fill a container with hot water, coarse salt and a glass of vinegar and soak the affected part for 15 or 20 minutes. You can repeat this three times a day. Gradually you will notice improvements.

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