Verbal Abuse: Symptoms To Understand If We Are A Victim

Verbal abuse is not necessarily accompanied by aggressive language or a high tone of voice. There are ways to intimidate us or make us feel inferior that go almost unnoticed.
Verbal abuse: symptoms to understand if we are a victim

When we hear the word abuse, we automatically think of physical aggression. However, there are also verbal abuses which, although they leave no visible signs, are as harmful as the first ones.

The problem is that, in most cases, the victim does not realize what is happening or the consequences it entails. Indeed, she could blame herself, covering up the executioner.

Due to the lack of markings on the body, it is difficult to tell if you are a victim of verbal abuse. For this reason, attention must be paid to the following symptoms.

Symptoms of verbal abuse

Desperate crying woman.

1. Be afraid even if the other person doesn’t yell

We may mistakenly think that verbal abuse is synonymous with screaming, but that’s not always the case. In reality, those who abuse verbally or psychologically tend to manipulate and make the victim doubt themselves. He can even use a gentle, loving tone of voice.

That is why you should remember that if someone is not being aggressive it does not mean that they are not abusing you. There can still be threats, regardless of whether they are explicit or not.

Do you feel concerned about how the other person might act if you don’t do something? Do you always fear his comments? Do you pay attention to every single word or action so as not to annoy her?

2. They compare or blame you for everything

We all like that our individuality is respected and that others accept us as we are. However, verbal abuse often undermines self-confidence through comparison and guilt.

Nobody likes to be told that another person is smarter, prettier, or does things better than us. Not when you use a tone of reproach, derision or cruelty to tell us. He receives such comments every day and makes us believe we are not up to par. Furthermore, this dynamic also generates a sense of guilt.

You have to get out of this situation as soon as you realize the problem. Remember that no one has the right to make you feel inferior under any circumstances.

3. Always feel intimidated

You can understand that you are being verbally abused if you feel intimidated when you are around that person.

This is a very subtle signal, which uses jokes, jokes, derogatory comments, up to inappropriate language that damages your self-esteem.

It goes without saying that intimidation can reach more troubling tinges and end up making you feel compelled to do something you don’t want or consider degrading.

4. Always feel accused or questioned

Another sign of verbal abuse is represented by direct attacks resulting from the lack of security and trust that the violent person suffers from. In general, this aggression is associated with low self-esteem, which makes her question each of your movements and actions.

It is possible that these questions and accusations are gradual, so be careful to detect when the situation arises. A common mistake is to start giving explanations to calm others’ fears. The problem is that the situation is bound to get worse over time.

5. Negative mood changes

Everything around us has an effect on us. Consequently, being the victim of verbal abuse can have several repercussions, observable on careful analysis.

Try to be aware of your state of mind when you are close to other people: are you able to distinguish those that make you happy? And the ones that wear you out?

If you understand that there is a person who only produces in you a constant feeling of discomfort, whether it is sadness or annoyance, it is time to avoid it. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize that someone has the ability to influence us, but it is best to accept that and establish a distance.

It is very important to pay attention to how you feel beyond your expectations, as these people tend to be very devious with their abuse.

If it’s your partner or someone you love, you need to try to be objective. On this basis you must decide what measures to take to remedy the situation.

Abused woman.

6. Abusing someone else

Human beings learn from the behaviors they see. In the event of abuse, unfortunately, many victims turn themselves into torturers.

For example, a child who grew up in an environment where their parents couldn’t control their emotions will become a verbally aggressive adult because they haven’t learned to control their feelings.

Of course, it is possible to heal and break these circles. The ideal in this case is to seek the help of a psychologist.

Take action against verbal abuse

Recognizing and accepting that you are a victim of verbal abuse is not easy. You just have to remember that your well-being depends on the attention you give to the situation you live in.

Before thinking about how to react to the people around you or to any other factor, remember that the your main concern you have to be yourself.

If in the presence of another person you feel uncomfortable most of the time, you are afraid or unsure about how they will react and if they turn to you to criticize you and to tell you that you are doing everything wrong, put a stop to it and consider if it is true. such a relationship is worth living. And if the situation is out of your control, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

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