Waking Up Tired: Why Does This Happen To Us?

“Many times I wake up tired, even if I have slept for many hours.” Why does this happen? There are many reasons why fatigue is present upon awakening. Bad habits, stress or some diseases can be the cause.
Waking up tired: why does it happen to us?

If even after sleeping for several hours, you happen to wake up tired, there is certainly something wrong. The causes are innumerable, but in any case it is a very unpleasant feeling. Waking up tired means feeling heavy in your body, being demoralized and fatigued. Starting the day like this is certainly not good.

The most surprising thing is that many times waking up tired does not mean you have not slept enough or well. Often not even a good sleep late solves the problem of chronic fatigue. Indeed, in the morning you feel fatigued, with a slow mind and in a bad mood. Let’s find out the reasons for this widespread feeling.

Why does it happen to wake up tired?

The first thing we need to clarify is that the body sleeps following a series of cycles. Although human beings are very adaptable, in reality the body and mind function better if we follow precise patterns. This has a decisive impact on fatigue.

If, for example, we wake up at 7 every day and before 9 pm we are already in bed, but at the weekend we change this pattern, the body will get confused. In this case, we will wake up tired regardless of the hours of sleep.

We typically go through five sleep cycles each night, each 90 minutes long. Each cycle, in turn, is divided into four phases. If we change our sleeping pattern , we may wake up at the wrong time: that is, before completing the whole process . The result? Waking up tired.

Waking up tired due to sleep disturbances

Man with sleep apnea

Sometimes you wake up tired due to a sleep disorder. If we often have trouble falling asleep or wake up multiple times during the night, we will likely feel tired when we get up and throughout the day.

Another disorder that affects the quality of rest is sleep apnea , a  condition in which a person stops breathing while sleeping. The direct effect of this anomaly is waking up tired, with the feeling of not having slept.

Consumption of some substances

The consumption of certain substances, such as alcohol , is a major obstacle to achieving good sleep quality. Alcoholic beverages have a paradoxical effect: they cause sleepiness, but then prevent you from sleeping deeply. A very similar effect also occurs with some medications, particularly sedatives.

We cannot forget another enemy of a good rest: coffee . A coffee in the morning is great for feeling awake, but if it is drunk in the evening, it is easy to suffer from insomnia. Better to avoid drinking coffee a few hours before going to bed.

Waking up tired due to psychological disorders

Sometimes the reason we wake up tired lies in our mind. There are not a few people who, before going to sleep, review all the worries that grip them or the decisions they have to make. This is the worst time to do this, as it generates “night anxiety” and compromises rest.

Stress, in general, prevents us from sleeping soundly . That discomfort makes us stay alert, even while we’re sleeping. That’s why we wake up easily and can’t sleep soundly. The best thing, in these cases, is to resort to relaxation techniques.

Worried woman on the sofa

Other causes

Poor sleep hygiene can be another reason to happen to wake up. We must therefore ensure that we have conditions that favor rest rather than hinder it. A lot of light, noise or high temperatures, for example, prevent you from sleeping well.

The above is also related to bad daytime habits . Several studies show that looking at the screens of electronic devices before bed hinders sleep. In addition to this, it is advisable not to consume large dinners, especially if they contain a lot of sugar. Lack of physical training during the day also affects sleep quality.

Finally, any alterations in the intestinal microbiota also result in poor rest . The intestinal flora, in fact, affects the production of hormones and neurotransmitters, necessary to relax and rest peacefully. Without a healthy microbiota, it won’t be easy to sleep.

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