What Are The Dangers Of False Nails?

Instead of being a solution, acrylic nails cause more harm than good, so it’s vital to be well-informed before deciding to resort to this option.
What are the dangers of false nails?

It is true that false nails are very beautiful, they are perfect for a special occasion and completely transform our hands. However, they can also trigger many problems or illnesses that are best avoided.

The false nails  that many women use could really come with a high price to pay in terms of health. In this article we will tell you about the possible dangers of using false nails. Read on before deciding whether to resort to false nails again.

Why are fake nails so in vogue?

fake nails with flowers

It is increasingly common to see women with false or reconstructed nails. Being made of plastic or a similar material, they give the hands a “perfect” look,  like those of models in fashion magazines or celebrities from the world of entertainment.

It is easy to understand what are the reasons why the female gender prefers to use nails of this type instead of natural ones: they hide imperfections and have an ideal appearance.

They are also easier to dye with nail polish or to decorate with designs than natural nails which, if too short or irregular in shape, do not allow for a beautiful and precise decoration.

If nails break, if we eat them out of habit or work in an environment where good looks are needed, then it is normal to resort to false nails. The same is true when we have to go to a wedding, party or special event.

Beware of false nails

Girl doing la-manicure

We may think it is a harmless solution, but using these nails can cause several problems. Let’s start from the first moment, that is when we go to a beauty salon or a beauty center for nail reconstruction with acrylic:

  • The chemicals used (resins or formaldehyde, among others) can cause inflammation, detachment of the natural nail from the skin, burning, pain and allergies.

There have been cases of women who have completely lost their natural nails and destroyed the nail matrix (when this happens, the nail does not grow back).

  • If the institute or center where they do the manicure treatment is not well ventilated, it is easy to inhale the toxic or irritating gases. Some non-professional salons also use a substance called methyl methacrylate to apply fake nails to natural ones. This compound causes severe damage to the lungs if inhaled and to the fingers by direct contact.

Problems related to false nails

  • A very common mistake to dry nail polish or acrylic faster is to use a hair dryer. The problem is that easily flammable substances are used in contact with a heat source.
False nail decoration
  • Very often in beauty centers the manicure tools or the substances used are not sterilized or cleaned after the application of artificial nails on a client is finished.

That is, the next client could contract the disease (for example, mycosis) that the previous client was suffering from. Bring your nail file when you go for a manicure in a salon, as this tool cannot be sterilized due to its composition.

  • Also beware of beauticians who do not use latex or plastic gloves. If you have any cuts or wounds on your hands, they could develop diseases that are transmitted by direct contact.

It is not okay for cuticles to be cut or “pushed” backwards. Do not forget that they are a natural barrier to prevent the development of infections and the proliferation of dangerous microorganisms.

  • Before proceeding with the application of the false nails, it is necessary that all the fingers are clean and above all well dry. In this way, no traces of humidity remain on the nails and the proliferation of fungi can be avoided once the false nail is applied.

Other problems caused by false nails

The consequences of false nails do not end once you leave the beauty salon (even if it is a center with a very good reputation and with a qualified staff).

Among the most common side effects of false nails we mention:

  • Since acrylic nails are completely rigid, it is possible to incur onycholysis following any bump, even a light one.

This means that the artificial nail detaches and, at the same time, the natural one is also detached. Without a doubt, it is very painful and then the nail takes a long time to grow again.

  • The risk of infection is much higher than with natural nails. If there is a very small gap between the false and natural nails, bacteria or other types of disease-causing microorganisms may accumulate.
Colored fake nails

Other reactions to false nails

  • Allergic reactions are the order of the day when opting for the use of false nails. All this because of the plastic and toxic substances that compose them. As a result, the fingers turn red, swell and itch.
  • In the event of a finger injury or damage to the artificial nail, it will be easier to accumulate dirt, viruses or bacteria in the area in question. When this happens, it is necessary to remove the false nail, disinfect and proceed with a new application.

Applying fake nails is a decision that should not be taken lightly.

If, despite what is reported in this article, you decide to proceed with the application of false nails, then make sure to do it in a specialized center, with qualified personnel and a well-ventilated environment, bring your nail file and pay attention to any changes, pains or symptoms affecting your nails or fingers.

If necessary, remove the false nail that is causing you problems until the pain subsides and, if possible, let the nails “rest” from time to time between applications of acrylic and the other.

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