What Is The Healthiest Type Of Bread?

Some fads in the field of weight loss diets lead many people to eliminate from their diet those foods that would be really necessary, such as bread. Find out which one is best suited to your needs and include it constantly in your diet.
What is the healthiest type of bread?

Bread is an essential element in our diet, as it not only provides fiber, but also amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. That said, there is bread that is healthier than anything else.

A good diet must always be varied and bread, the healthiest and most adequate one, brings us great benefits. Let’s find out together which is the healthiest bread for our body, the one that should never be missing in our daily diet.

Does bread make you fat?

When consumed in the right quantities, there is no reason why bread should make you fat. As with all foods, the essential thing is to use moderation and follow a balanced diet.

For example, eating an orange or an apple a day is very healthy. But if you eat 5 oranges a day the sugar levels in the body will start to rise and therefore even the orange will no longer be a healthy food. The same happens with bread.

But what is the recommended daily amount of bread? The WHO (World Health Organization) reports that the recommended daily amount of bread is 250 grams.

We can tell you, for example, that 100 grams of white bread contains 290 calories, while 100 grams of wholemeal bread contains 243 calories. The problem, therefore, is not so much the bread, but what accompanies it: we must be able not to overdo it with butter, cold cuts, etc.

What is the healthiest bread to lose weight

Which type of bread is the healthiest and the least recommended?

The pancarré is certainly the least recommended. Contains more fats, more sugars and additives which serve to extend storage times. It is less healthy than the traditional one, but this does not mean that it is bad: it is simply good to consume it in less quantity.

The healthiest bread is the one that contains the most cereals and which is made with 100% whole wheat flour : to know this, you will have to read the ingredients. It is also important that it contains a good amount of wheat and, to understand what you are talking about, look at the composition of this cereal.

The bran is the outer part of the grain and contains B vitamins, minerals and fibers; the germ is the part of the plant from which new plants are born and which contains vitamin B, minerals and proteins; the endosperm is the internal part of the grain, which provides proteins and carbohydrates.

The healthiest types of bread

Whole wheat bread

Homemade wheat bread

Whole wheat bread is the most common and best-selling type. Contains insoluble fiber which helps prevent colon cancer.

Make sure it is made with whole grains and that the flour is also 100% wheat, as it is sometimes mixed with others and is therefore less healthy. You can usually notice it with a simple glance: always choose the darker colored bread, since it is the one that contains fewer supplements and additives.

A new type of bread has recently begun to be sold , prepared with white whole wheat: to do this, white wheat is used instead of red, but it is still a good option. The important thing is to always know which ingredients it contains.

Oat bread

oat bread

Oat bread is also very popular and just as healthy. Usually the oat flour combines with that of wheat and makes the bread lighter and more pleasant, less dry than the one made only with wheat.

It is also interesting to know that oat bread has soluble fiber, very suitable for reducing cholesterol.

Rye bread

Rye bread

Rye bread is less common than wheat bread. Some people don’t like it and that’s why it sells a little less, but you may not know that it is a very healthy option.

It is probably the most recommendable of all, as it is a very tasty bread that goes very well with both sweet and savory. It is ideal for breakfast: a slice together with a juice, for example, will give you the right amount of energy, fiber and vitamins.

It is the type of bread that contains the most fiber and nutrients, an exquisite mix of iron and B vitamins that will take care of your health and that of your loved ones.

Try to include it in your diet, it will help you not gain weight and you will know that it is the healthiest and tastiest option.

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