Which Organs Does Excess Stress Affect?

Too high a stress level can lead to an increase in cholesterol, blood pressure, and ultimately cause coronary heart damage.
Which organs does excess stress affect?

Stress is a condition of physical and emotional tension, a reaction of the body to situations or thoughts, usually triggered by frustration, anger or nervousness. When present in small doses, stress is positive: it is  the right reaction of the body that allows us to avoid an imminent danger or a risk situation . On the other hand, excess stress is quite different.

Most people, in fact, exceed this level, coming to feel a strong tension from which problems of a physical and psychological nature can arise. The current lifestyle, so hectic, has led to an increase in cases of stress syndrome, as well as the severity of the ailments that this pathology brings with it.

More worrying still is the fact that most sufferers do not pay due attention to the signals they receive and ultimately pay the consequences for their health.

A recent study, conducted by the APA, the Association of American Psychologists , indicates that 40% of adults suffering from stress also have sleep disorders. But that’s not enough. Did you know that stress is linked to various alterations in certain organs of the body? To give you a clearer idea of ​​how stress can decrease the quality of our life, let’s analyze its effect on 8 organs of the human body.


Excess stress causes inflammatory aeration which causes clogging of the skin pores

The tension caused by stress causes the body to react with an inflammatory response which, in the skin, causes the pores to clog. This congestion causes the skin to redden and accumulate sebum or pus. In conclusion, stress can be one of the causes of acne on the face.


Excess of stress weakens the function of the lungs and lowers their immune response to the aggression of external agents. A study conducted by the University of Sao Paulo has shown a possible connection between asthma and stress.


By causing a state of continuous tension, a high level of stress affects the increase in cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides in the bloodstream. People suffering from chronic stress often suffer from heart rhythm abnormalities.


tremor of the eyes

Excess physical and emotional stress can cause the eyes to tremble, due to the stimulation of the small muscle in charge of lifting the eyelids. Additionally, stress can cause inflammation and blurring of vision.


The accumulation of stress hormones leads to the alteration of a series of cells in the liver called cytolytic lymphocytes, responsible for the destruction of hepatocytes, causing an exacerbation of typical liver diseases.


High doses of stress stimulate the production of a hormone called cortisol. Excess cortisol, in turn, negatively affects the frontal cortex, the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory and decision making.


kidney functions can be impaired by excess stress


The increase in the level of cortisol, prompted by stress, can alter the process of renal excretion of phosphates. In turn, this alteration can cause muscle weakness and bone changes such as rickets, among other conditions.


Intestinal health has a direct impact on overall well-being: for this reason it is very important to take care of the colon and the digestive system as a whole. When stress increases, colon disorders begin to arise, causing typical symptoms, such as gas, abdominal pain, and inflammation.

How to fight excess stress?

relaxation and physical activity fight stress

When stress becomes a way of life, you have to start fighting it, before it begins to negatively affect our health.

If you belong to the group of people who are constantly worried and under stress, try these tips :

  • Try one of these relaxation techniques:  meditation, yoga, dancing, taking a bath or aromatherapy.
  • Exercise every day.
  • Plan your activities based on the time you have available.
  • Take some breaks during the workday, stretch yourself and, if possible, go out and get some fresh air.
  • Also save time to do what you like.
  • Stay away from negative people.
  • Improve your nutrition.
  • Increase your water consumption.
  • Avoid harmful habits,  such as smoking and alcohol.

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