Why Do You Feel Cold In Your Hands And Feet?

Poor digestion can draw heat from the extremes of the body and cause a cold sensation in the hands and feet.
Why do you feel cold in your hands and feet?

Are you one of those who always have cold hands and feet even though the outside temperature is not very low? Do you know why this happens? In this article we give you the curious answer to this doubt related to the digestive system. Find out how body temperature works and how you can regulate it naturally.

The body temperature

frozen hands

In general, there are people who tend to be more chilly and others warmer, and who react differently to similar climates. The secret lies in the body temperature; it is important to try to balance it as neither extreme case is positive.

The areas that usually cool most easily are the extremities, i.e. hands and feet. Inside, the organs tend to get cold: the liver and kidneys need heat more, while the stomach and intestines tend to accumulate it.

When the body has to make an extra effort in a certain area, it usually increases circulation at this point causing more or less inflammation which actually aims to concentrate self-healing mechanisms there.

When this happens, there may be a lack of circulation in the apparently less vital areas, which are precisely the most extreme points of our body: hands and feet.

The digestive system

Due to a poor diet or a continuous diet throughout the day, the digestive system is usually subjected to an excess of heat as it is functioning almost continuously. The stomach is forced to make great efforts, increasing the production of gastric acids  and therefore the temperature.

These efforts then continue in the intestine. If you touch your belly, you may even notice that the skin is cold, but this is only a symptom of the excess heat inside.

Always cold hands and feet, therefore, could be the consequence of an excess of heat in the digestive system. In addition to the discomfort it entails, it is important to treat this problem primarily to prevent joint problems in the long run.

cold digestion

Can the temperatures of the hands and feet be rebalanced?

Of course yes. Localized heat can always and immediately be spread to the extremities in the following ways:

  • With hot water baths;
  • Covering the affected areas well with thermal fabrics or wool;
  • Applying warming creams based on ginger or cinnamon;
  • Doing massages;
  • Applying heatable electric blankets or hot water bottles.

Nevertheless, you must take into consideration the fact that these are only palliative remedies and that if what you want is to balance the body temperature, which also improves health in general, what you have to do is facilitate the work of the digestive system.

Remove heat from the digestive system

  • Choose healthy foods and avoid harmful ones, especially red meat and sausages, fatty cheeses, fried foods or certain sweets.
  • Be careful to avoid those hard-to-digest foods such as some legumes and dairy products.
  • Chew your food well.
  • Don’t eat in large quantities. Know how to stop before you feel too full.
  • Don’t eat again until you’ve finished digesting the previous meal.
  • Don’t dine too late or in too large quantities.
  • Avoid constipation.
  • If you suffer from gastric hyperacidity or heartburn, treat them with natural remedies.
  • Alkalize the body.
  • Get some rest after meals before making any effort.

Water treatment for hands and feet

Water can also help regulate body temperature, but it needs to be done gradually. In general, take a shower with warm or warm water and gradually finish it with cold water that flows all over the body except for the head.

The first few times it can last a few seconds, but over time you can extend this duration of cold water and even alternate it with hot water.

It is important that you do not feel cold before and after the shower so that the contrast is greater, and once finished rub well with the towel to spread the natural heat.

Images courtesy of: Taras Khimchak, Intercontinental Hong Kong and Filip Bunkens

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